Concurso de fotografía del agua organizado por UNESCO-IHE

Tuesday, 30 January, 2007 - 00:00

El Instituto UNESCO-IHE para la Educación relativa al Agua celebra su 50 aniversario a lo largo de todo el año 2007. Entre los eventos que se organizan en el marco de esta celebración se encuentra un concurso internacional de fotografía para fotógrafos aficionados.

El agua es esencial para la vida y significa muchas cosas diferentes para cada persona. ¿Qué significado tiene el agua para usted?, ¿Por qué es importante el agua?, ¿Por qué el agua es hermosa, peligrosa, vulnerable y fuente de inspiración? Puesto que una imagen vale más que mil palabras, UNESCO-IHE invita a personas de todo el mundo a que compartan sus mejores fotografías del agua, las más conmovedoras o las más características.

La fecha límite para la presentación de candidaturas es el 1 de marzo de 2007. Todos los fotógrafos aficionados pueden participar y presentar hasta 5 fotografías. Los resultados del concurso se darán a conocer el 22 de marzo de 2007, Día Mundial del Agua. El ganador recibirá una cámara de fotos digital de última generación.


50 years of wise water - Photo Competition

Alumni category

After 50 years of existence, the Institute has educated over 13,000 participants, who are now working in the field of water. To see what all these alumni are currently up to, we would like to invite all of them to send a picture of themselves in front of/ at their work.

Photos in this category will need to be accompanied by the name of the alumnus, the year and programme that he or she followed, and a short description of the work (company name, position, type of activity in the background).

We encourage alumni to send in a picture that has an interesting and creative composition, where the person as well as the work environment appears clearly.

Please send your picture to the following email address:

The three finest and most original entries in the alumni category will be awarded a surprise gift.

Water related category

Since the Institute has been dealing with water for the last 50 years, we would also like to collect all types of water related photos. Water is essential for life and means many different things to many people. What does water mean to you, why is water important, how is it beautiful, dangerous, vulnerable, inspiring?

Since a picture says more than a thousand words, please share with us your best, most touching or most characteristic pictures that are related to water.

Everyone can send in a maximum of five photos in this category, together with:

  • a short description (place & date of picture, what can be seen on the picture)
  • relation to UNESCO-IHE (participant, alumnus, network contact, other)
  • name, email address, and country, to:

The winner of the water category will receive a state of the art digital photo camera. Second and third best pictures in this category will also receive a prize.

Work regions: 
Mountain Ranges: 

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