Cursos cortos de la UNESCO-IHE

Thursday, 10 August, 2006 - 00:00

Estimados Coleg@s,

Adjuntamos información sobre Cursos Cortos Regulares que la UNESCO-IHE realiza anualmente. Estos cursos cortos (que van desde 1 semana a 2 meses) buscan actualizar; brindar acceso a las últimas, modernas e innovativas tecnologías; y refrescar habilidades de profesionales juniors o expertos. Los interesados deber tener como mínimo el grado de Bachiller en Ciencias, experiencia profesional y buen manejo del idioma inglés.

Para tener mayor información sobre los cursos, ingresar a:


CONDESAN - InfoAndinaNodo Regional para América Latina del Mountain Forum

Department of Urban Water and Sanitation

Regular Short Courses

UNESCO-IHE conducts a wide range of short, specialised courses annually in addition to the Masters and PhD programmes. These short courses are aimed at upgrading or refreshing the knowledge and skills of mid-career and senior experts. Short courses provide participants with exposure to applications of conventional, modern and innovative technologies.

The mission of the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education is to contribute to the education and training of professionals and to build the capacity of institutions in the fields of water, environment and infrastructure, in developing countries and countries in transition.

Starting October 2007, UNESCO-IHE offers four different programmes:

1. Environmental Science
2. Municipal Water and Infrastructure :
3. Water Management
4. Water Science and Engineering

We would like to draw your attention in particular for 3 specialisations:

  • Water Supply Engineering

  • Sanitary Engineering

  • Integrated Urban Engineering

How to apply?
First you need to apply for a Letter of Admission from UNESCO-IHE, which confirms that you are academically qualified for the specialisation of your choice. You can find the Application Form at the back of the brochures. Electronic copies of the brochures for each specialisation can also be downloaded from the respective web links. In these brochures you will find information about the content of the specialisations and the requirements for admission.

How to send the Application Form ?
Please note that UNESCO-IHE cannot accept applications that are sent by e-mail or fax. We can only accept applications that are sent by airmail. If you are late in sending your application you may have to consider to send it by DHL or EMS . Also do not send us an advace copy as e-mail application. We anyhow will have to wait for the original and this may only cause confusion. UNESCO-IHE can only accept complete applications. This means that with your application you should enclose: copy of degree obtained, copy of academic transcript, two reference letters, copy of results of a TOEFL (required score 550) or IELTS (required score 6.0) English language test (except for candidates who have followed both secondary and tertiary education in English).

Letter of Admission, but no fellowship ?
A variety of fellowships are available. A full overview of fellowship opportunities is available at our website ( Although we strongly advise you to explore all the fellowship opportunities, we would like to bring to your attention the Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP). If you are a candidate from a so-called NFP country (see: we encourage you to apply for an NFP-fellowship, even if you pursue other possibilities as well. The form for the NFP application can be downloaded from

Please note that, for the MSc Programmes, which start in October 2007, the deadline for submission of applications for the NFP-programme to the Netherlands Embassy varies (31 December 2006 and 31 March 2007, depending on the regulations of the Embassy in your country). Please consult the Netherlands " Embassy for the appropriate deadline, or download the information from the NUFFIC Website. The request for a Letter of Admission should be submitted to UNESCO-IHE well before the deadline for receipt of the NFP application by the Embassy. This is because the Letter of Admission is needed by the Embassy with the NFP application, some countries also require you to pass an official English test as well.

Send us your Application Form today ! This is easy to do, it is free of charge and does not commit you to anything. However, it is your first step to follow an MSc programme at UNESCO-IHE. Further information about all our educational programmes and products and about UNESCO-IHE can be obtained from our website:

An overview of our short courses:    

We would highly appreciate if you could also forward this information to interested colleagues or other contacts in your network.
Yours sincerely,

Caroline M. Figuères, MSc
Head of the Urban Water and Sanitation Department
UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education
P.O. Box 3015
2601 DA Delft
The Netherlands

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