Cursos de Verano sobre eco-hidrología y otro sobre manejo adaptativo de cuencas

Thursday, 12 April, 2007 - 00:00

La Universidad Libre de Amsterdam y sus socios del Centro Bussinesq, están organizando un curso de verano en Eco-hidrología. El curso se realizará entre el 11 y el 15 de Junio del 2007.

Así mismo la Universidad de Osnabrück en Alemania junto a el Proyecto Sistema Global de Agua (GWSP por sus siglas en ingles) realizará entre el 11 y el 21 de Julio el curso de verano "Administrando las transiciones para el manejo adaptativo de cuencas". El curso se llevará a cabo en Bad Krozinger cerca de la ciudad alemana de Freiberg y la Selva negra Alemana.

Betreff: summerschool ecohydrology 2007, Amsterdam

The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and partners from the Boussinesq Center for Hydrology and the Bsik program "Climate changes Spatial Planning" are organizing a summer school on Ecohydrology that is taking place June 11th - 15th of 2007. The course will consist of 10 half-day sessions.

The aim of the course is to provide an overview of the current state of ecohydrology, and to give several in-depth examples of the ecohydrological functioning of different ecosystems around the globe. To view more information on the course and/or to register, you can go to the website

The course is limited to 50 participants; if more than 50 participants apply, priority will be given to PhD students that are closely related to the field of ecohydrogy. When you register yourself, please provide a short description of why you would like to join the summerschool and information on your background. This will allow us to cater more towards the interest and background of the participants. The fee for the course is 250 euro, including beverages, fieldtrip, and dinner on the last day. Lodging and travel are not included, more information on lodging can be found on the website after April 2nd.

For more information, please contact : Karin Rebel (, Juan Garcia ( or Han Dolman (

Karin Rebel
Postdoctoral Researcher Hydrology and Geo-Environmental Sciences
Vrije Universiteit De Boelelaan 1085, kamer F446 1081 HV Amsterdam
Phone: +31 (0)20-5987334 / fax +31 (0)20-5989940

Summer School on ‘Managing Transitions to Adaptive River Basin Management’

The 2007 NeWater Summer School on ‘Managing Transitions to Adaptive River Basin Management’ will take place from 11 July – 21 July, 2007 in Bad Krozingen, near Freiberg and the Black Forest in Southern Germany. The Summer School is intended as a sequel to last year"s Autumn School in Peyresq, France which introduced NeWater and non-NeWater researchers to concepts of and methods for adaptive river basin management. It is organised by the Institute of Environmental Systems Research, University of Osnabrück, Germany, in cooperation with the Global Water System Project (GWSP).

The Global Water System Project (GWSP) is able to offer funding (participation and travel costs) for up to 5 young researchers (PhD-Students and PostDocs). Please submit the application form including a CV, a letter of reference, and a letter of motivation to the GWSP IPO ( Deadline for applications is 23 April 2007. For further information please click here:

International Project Office
Walter-Flex-Str. 3
53113 Bonn, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 228 - 736188 / Fax: +49 (0) 228 - 7360834

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