Estudiante norteamericana busca contribuir con investigadores e instituciones

Tuesday, 26 August, 2008 - 00:00

Helen Chmura es una estudiante norteamericana de pregrado en Swarthmore College, situado en Swarthmore, EEUU. Se contactó con InfoAndina en busca de investigadores y/o instituciones cuyo ámbito de trabajo sean los Andes y el cambio climático. A continuación reproducimos su mensaje completo:
"Hello, my name is Helen Chmura and I"m in my last year as an undergraduate at Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA. I just completed a season at Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory in Gothic, CO where I studied marmot vigilance behavior.

I am seeking researchers/organizations interested in global warming in mountain regions; particularly sacred mountains. I am in the process of applying for a Watson Fellowship. Exclusively for graduating seniors, this fellowship funds independent study and travel outside of the United States for one year. I"m hoping to shadow 3-4 scientists who study climate change in sacred mountain ranges as well as study how local cultural/ religious practices have changed in response to climate change.

I"m in the early stages of the application process and I"m looking for researchers who would be willing to take me on as a field assistant for several weeks or months. I have particular interest in the Andes and Asian mountain ranges; however I am not limited to those regions. If selected as a Watson Fellow, I would be in the field for a year beginning the second half of 2009. The fellowship would cover all of my expenses.

I look forward to communicating with you and appreciate any advice or assistance you have to offer.
Thank you. "
Los interesados en apoyarla por favor contactarse con ella en inglés y copiar a InfoAndina para hacerle seguimiento.

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Mountain Ranges: 

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