Los Premios LRAMP INDIA 2007 a la Innovación

Monday, 16 July, 2007 - 00:00

Lanzado en el 2005, los Premios L-RAMP reconocen y celebran el espíritu de aquellos innovadores, emprendedores, inversores y comunicadores. Este premio se otorga cada 2 años a aquellos que desarrollan un producto novedoso o un prototipo de producto, con potencialidades para solucionar un problema o problemas en la sociedad, especialmente de la población menos atendida.

Los invitamos a que revisen los criterios de elegibilidad, las categorías, el proceso de selección y datos adicionales del premio. Los interesados tienen hasta el 22 de julio para aplicar.


Lemelson Recognition & Mentoring Programme


Launched in 2005, the L-RAMP Awards recognise and celebrate the spirit of innovation by awarding achievers in the field of grassroots innovation – innovators, entrepreneurs, investors and the media. By doing so, the L-RAMP Awards also draw attention to the constantly humming but largely unnoticed world of grassroots innovation – a world characterised by strong ideas, never-say-die innovators, committed entrepreneurs and socially responsible media.

Two years on, our effort to recognise and celebrate the spirit of innovation continues…

Whether you are applying or not, you can be part of the L-RAMP Awards 2007 too. Tell others you know about the Awards and help spread the word about grassroots innovation!


The 3rd L-RAMP Awards seek to recognise achievers in the following categories:

  • Grassroot Innovator

  • Young Innovator

  • Woman Innovator

  • Enterprise (for successfully converting an outstanding innovation into a successful enterprise)

  • Investor (for extending financial support to convert an outstanding innovation(s) into a successful enterprise)

  • Jounalist (for encouraging innovators and innovations in society by showcasing the innovations through media)

  • Lifetime Achievement (for a lifetime of contribution to innovation and entrepreneurship development sector in the country)

To find out the Eligibility Criteria for applying, please click here .

To know more about the Selection Criteria used for selecting winners, please click here


From announcement to the presentation of awards, the L-RAMP Awards go through a series of important milestones. As an applicant/interested party, you will find these dates important for the 3rd L-RAMP Awards.

  • L-RAMP Awards opens : June 13, 2007

  • Receipt of Applications close: July 22, 2007

  • Announcement of Winners: Aug 30, 2007

  • Award Presentation Ceremony: December 2007

Please note that the above mentioned dates are tentative and subject to the availability of dignitaries.

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