Tercera Conferencia Internacional sobre Agua y Clima

Thursday, 5 July, 2007 - 00:00

El Instituto Finlandés de Medio Ambiente, la Universidad de Tecnología de Helsinki y la Academia de Finlandia están organizando la Tercera Conferencia Internacional sobre Agua y Clima. La UNESCO, la OMS y la AICH participan en el evento a través del Comité Científico.

La conferencia está dirigida a la comunidad de ciencias hidrológicas, a coordinadores de programas relativos a los recursos hídricos y a los responsables en la toma de decisiones. Los temas principales de la conferencia son: cambio climático y extremos hidrológicos; cambio climático y recursos hídricos; riesgos y gestión del riesgo; adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático en el sector del agua; reducción del cambio climático e hidrología; y, ciencias hidrológicas, pobreza y desarrollo de capacidades.

Third International Conference on Climate and Water

Marina Congress Center, Helsinki. Finland

3 - 6 September 2007


Climate change is likely to affect strongly on the hydrological cycle; some changes have already been observed. Water demand may grow due to climate change and water management faces a multitude of new challenges.

Finland has arranged two conferences on Climate and Water, the first one in 1989, the second one in 1998. The Third International Conference on Climate and Water will be held at Marina Congress Center in Helsinki on 3-6 September 2007.

The objective is to provide an opportunity for hydrologists, water managers and decision makers to exchange research results, ideas and concerns on impacts, adaptation and mitigation in the water sector, facing climate change.

  • How have we proceeded since 1998?

  • What are major challenges today?

  • Where are we going?

  • Where should we go?


Climate change and hydrological extremes

What are the major uncertainties in the continuum between weather forecasting, climate predictions, modelling of hydrological
extremes and disaster reduction? How does the vulnerability
to floods and droughts vary regionally and between climatic zones?

Climate change and water resources; risk and risk management

Which sectors of water use will be most critically affected in different climatic zones and hydrological regimes? How can hydrological research be focused to reveal these sectoral
differences and reduce uncertainties?

Adaptation to the impacts of climate change in the water sector

Have the effects of various mitigation options on the hydrological
cycle been adequately studied? What kind of hydrological
research is needed to improve the effectiveness of
mitigation options?

Hydrological science, poverty and capacity building

How can hydrologists respond to the challenge of poverty? How can more effective methods be found for hydrological capacity building in developing countries?

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