Becas pos-doctorado "Kathryn Fuller Science for Nature Fellowships"

Thursday, 13 July, 2006 - 00:00

Estimados Coleg@s,

La WWF anuncia la convocatoria para becas pos-doctorado "Kathryn Fuller Science for Nature Fellowships" . Las propuestas deberán destacar la importancia de la conservación de la biodiversidad global y considerar la misión y programas del WWF. Las becas de investigación tendrán una duración de 2 años.

Se deberá incluir los siguientes temas : Biodiversidad, conservación en las comunidades, políticas de conservación, funcionamiento de los ecosistemas, manejo forestal, cambio climático global, conservación de suelos, estudios de áreas protegidas, conservación urbana, conocimiento indígena o local, impactos en la salud.

Tienen hasta el 15 de noviembre del 2006 para aplicar, sólo 2 serán los seleccionados.
Para mayor información, revise la siguiente dirección web: . Email:
(toda la información se encuentra en inglés porque los postulantes deben dominar este idioma).

Saludos cordiales,

CONDESAN - InfoAndinaNodo Regional para América Latina del Mountain Forum


Put your theories into practice and your ideas into action.

Introducing WWF’s Kathryn Fuller Science for Nature Fellowships. An exceptional opportunity to connect your research ideas to conservation practice. Fellows pursue post-doctoral research on issues central to biodiversity conservation as part of WWF’s global network of scientists and practitioners working to save the future of nature.

Apply for fellowships at


Kathryn Fuller post-doctoral fellowships in conservation scienceWWF Kathryn Fuller Fellowships 2007-2008

World Wildlife Fund is announcing the opening of its 2007-2008 Kathryn Fuller Fellowship competition.

Two post-doctoral fellowships will be awarded for a two year period to individuals with outstanding research proposals that are of fundamental and immediate importance to global biodiversity conservation. Fuller Fellows can be based at any institution, including at World Wildlife Fund, and will co-advised by one academic and one WWF mentor.

Fellows are provided a stipend of $50,000 per year, as well as a $15,000 annual research allowance. Applicants should have received a doctorate degree between January 2002 and January 2007. The deadline for applications is November 15, 2006. Offers will be made in the spring of 2007, with fellowships to begin in the fall of 2007.

For more information, application guidelines, and on-line application forms, please visit, or contact us at:

Tel: 1-202-778-9742
Application deadline: November 15, 2006

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