Climate Change: A SDC Global Programme
Flyer about the Global Programme Climate Change (GPCC) over those four pillars:
- Climate change – multilateral processes and financing
- Climate change – adapting to the unavoidable
- Knowledge management – learning to master the future together
- Climate change – fighting the root causes
Since 2008, the SDC has been breaking new ground with its global programmes on climate change, water, food security, and migration and development. In addition to existing bilateral and multilateral work, this approach makes it possible to develop solutions to global challenges through worldwide political dialogue and concrete pilot projects. In the context of climate change and development, the SDC brings its hands-on field experience to the international political dialogue table. It has been successful in ensuring that innovative approaches are discussed and implemented in practice. Moreover, by linking dialogue and action, the GPCC explicitly promotes the development and exchange of knowledge on the multifaceted interplay between climate change and development.