Director General para el CIMMYT

Tuesday, 26 June, 2007 - 00:00

El Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CYMMIT) está buscando a un profesional altamente calificado para cubrir la plaza de Director General que posea una visión estratégica para liderar investigaciones que generen impactos.

El CIMMYT realiza investigación científica para ayudar a mejorar la vida de las personas en los países en desarrollo. Se apoya en investigaciones científicas sólidas y asociaciones colaborativas, para generar, compartir y aplicar conocimientos y tecnologías que aumenten la seguridad alimentaria, mejoren la productividad agrícola, y conserven los recursos naturales, incluidos los recursos genéticos. Su sede está en México.

Los interesados pueden aplicar hasta el 31 de julio del 2007.

The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT)

CIMMYT- Director General

El Batán, Texcoco, Mexico

Closing Date: 31 July 2007

CIMMYT, The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre, is an internationally funded, not for profit organisation that conducts research and training related to maize and wheat.

We are seeking a Director General who has a strategic outlook and can build high performing research teams by creating a culture that is committed to both research excellence and impact.

You will be a dynamic, motivated and transformative leader with an international reputation for building outstanding research teams. Adept at working globally, you will have experience gained within the commercial and/or public sector, together with outstanding fundraising skills and good international networks. Fluency in English is a prerequisite, and Spanish would naturally be advantageous.

Please submit your CV and covering letter in strictest confidence to or contact +44 (0)20 7299 4120 for further details.

Contact details :
Garfield Cameron,

Work regions: 
Mountain Ranges: 

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