El Centro Internacional de la Papa busca un Oficial Regional MPS-CONDESAN

Monday, 11 February, 2008 - 00:00

El Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) anuncia la apertura de una plaza para Oficial Regional del Mountain Partnership Secretariat MPS-CONDESAN, posición desde la cual, desempeñará funciones de apoyo y soporte a los miembros del Mountain Partnership en América Latina. Este es un puesto a tiempo completo cuya base estará en Lima.

Entre las funciones mas importantes que deberá desempeñar están: a) Apoyar el desarrollo del Mountain Partnership a través de  sus iniciativas regionales, tanto a nivel conceptual como organizacional; b) Contribuir a la consolidación y establecimiento de iniciativas regionales específicas del Mountain Partnership; c) Trabajar coordinadamente con el Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecorregión Andina (CONDESAN) de modo que pueda utilizar la experiencia profesional para identificar las posibles iniciativas, los socios potenciales, los recursos necesarios así como también ser capaz de fortalecer los vínculos con las distintas actividades en curso en la región. Estas, son unas pocas actividades entre otras tantas.

Invitamos a los interesados revisar los términos de referencia (en el detalle de la infonota) y, de cumplir con los requerimientos y condiciones, enviar su CV completo adjuntando carta de presentación via email al CIP.
La recepción de documentos comenzará el 20 de Febrero del 2008 y continuará hasta que la plaza sea ocupada.


International Potato Center
MPS-CONDESAN Regional Officer
Ref: 08-03 NRS/HQ

The International Potato Center (CIP) is announcing the opening of a position as MPS-CONDESAN Regional Officer that will assist the Regional Coordinator of the Mountain Partnership Secretariat (MPS) to provide outreach and support to the members of the Mountain Partnership in Latin America. This is a full time position and will be based in Lima..

The Center: CIP is a not-for-profit international agricultural research organization with a global mandate to conduct research on potatoes and sweetpotatoes, sustainable management of natural resources and urban agriculture. CIP’s vision is to contribute from its areas of expertise to the fulfillment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), in particular those goals that relate to poverty, hunger, child and maternal mortality, and sustainable development in rural and urban systems. CIP has its headquarters in Lima, Peru with staff and activities in locations across Africa, Asia and Latin America. Its regional office in Sub-Saharan Africa is located in Nairobi, Kenya. CIP is a member of the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research, a network of 15 research centers mostly located in the developing world and supported by more than 60 donor members.

Main Duties:
  • Support the conceptual and organizational development of the Mountain Partnership, especially, through its regional partnership initiatives.
  • Identify, develop contact with, support needs analysis for, and provide or facilitate appropriate support and linkages, to existing partnership initiatives located in the region.
  • Contribute to the establishment of specific regional initiatives under the Mountain Partnership and provide organizational, logistical, communications and technical support, mainly, during the initial stages of these collaborative efforts.
  • Work closely together with CONDESAN and use the available professional expertise to support identification of potential initiatives, potential partners for existing and planned initiatives, resources to support initiatives, and to strengthen linkages to other ongoing activities in the region.
  • Assist in the development and implementation of strategies to effectively link partners and enhance collaboration, particularly, through brokerage, knowledge and information sharing, and management mechanisms
  • Assist in the development and implementation of strategies to identify and mobilize support mechanisms that will respond to the needs of MPS members.
  • Work closely together with InfoAndina (MF Regional node) to develop platforms for information exchange, communication and information dissemination for Mountain Partnership members.
  • Provide efficient and timely information to the MPS central hub and to the other MPS regional hubs about key planned and on-going activities and relevant region-specific news.
  • Maintain adequate contact(s) with all Mountain Partnership members in the region working together with the Regional MPS coordinator.
  • Together with the Regional MPS Coordinator, promote the development of continued close contact and association with key partners in the region, including current and potential donor governments and organizations (e.g., GEF, Andean Community, FAO regional and national offices, etc.), in order to cultivate a supportive institutional setting for the Mountain Partnership at the regional level.
  • Help identify opportunities for funding and contribute to the preparation and presentation of proposals to develop financial and in-kind support to the Mountain Partnership and the collaborative activities of its members.
  •  Perform other related duties as required.
Required Skills:
  • Advanced University Degree (or equivalent experience) in a field related to sustainable development.
  • Good working knowledge of international development and technical cooperation issues.
  • Five years of responsible professional experience in international development and technical cooperation issues including within the region.
  • Ability in initiating, building and strengthening effective partnerships.
  • Good knowledge of Spanish and English.
Conditions: The employment contract will be for an initial two-year term with the possibility of renewal. The position is based in Lima.

Applications: The application should include a cover letter summarizing the applicant’s relevance to this position, a complete curriculum vitae, and the names and addresses (including telephone, fax and e-mail) of three referees knowledgeable about his/her professional qualifications and work experience. Please send application via e-mail to Rosario Marcovich at CIP-Recruitment@cgiar.org. The reference name of the position should be clearly marked on the subject line of the e-mail message. Screening of applications will begin on 20 February, 2008 and will continue until the post is filled.

CIP seeks diversity and gender balance in its staff.
Women and citizens of developing countries are particularly urged to apply.
To learn more about CIP please visit http://www.cipotato.org/cip/about.asp

Work regions: 
Mountain Ranges: 

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