The Sustainable Energy Finance Summer Academy in Mombasa offers scholarships

Wednesday, 31 July, 2013 - 10:45

The Frankfurt School – UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance (the Centre) is pleased to announce that it has received generous funding for additional scholarships for the Sustainable Energy Finance Summer Academy in Mombasa, Kenya, which takes place from 20 – 25 October 2013!

Each scholarship covers 50 percent of the total tuition costs (airfare not included). To receive scholarship details and instructions on how to apply, please refer to our website:

There are limited scholarships available, so be sure not to miss your chance to apply!

About the Sustainable Energy Finance Summer Academy in Mombasa

Through an innovative combination of practical and theoretical coursework, the Centre's Summer Academy programme aims to equip decision makers, project developers and investors with the necessary skills to scale up access to clean energy on the African Continent.

The Mombasa Academy is delivered by senior trainers that combine both academic-technical renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) and banking knowledge unique to the African continent. The coursework includes core courses on policy and regulation and sources of financing for RE and EE development. Technical courses cover the spectrum of project finance, and effective project design to attract financing. These theoretical training components are augmented by practical real-life, on the ground case studies and extracurricular activities. The training sessions, institutional fair and leisure activities as well as several group assignments guarantee superior networking opportunities with other practitioners of sustainable energy finance.

Target Group

The course has a clear finance focus and is suitable for both public and private sector practitioners, including entrepreneurs, project developers, private investors, initiator/fund houses, international development finance consultants and managers, plant operators and manufacturers, engineers and advisory professionals (e.g. law firms, business and tax consultants). Other interested parties, such as academics in relevant fields, are of course welcome to apply to the programme.

About the trainers

Madalo Minofu is a Project Development Manager and part of the Project Development and Advisory Team in the Investment Banking Division of the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA). Madalo has been involved in both corporate finance and project finance transactions at various levels in both South Africa and the Southern African region and joined the DBSA in 2007. She joined the DBSA as an Investments Officer and was previously involved in the preparation and appraisal of infrastructure project finance and PPP projects and has been involved in a number of projects in these sectors. However since the beginning of 2010, Madalo has been involved in the development and financing of sustainable energy projects and programmes both in the renewable energy space and energy efficiency environment and was part of the South African Government team that worked on the design of the procurement documentation for the IPP renewable Energy Programme successfully delivering Phase 1 of this programme and achieving financial close for 28 projects totalling ZAR 47 billion in December 2012. Madalo has a financial background and has a degree in finance and an MBA specialising in finance.

Silvia Kreibiehl is Head of theFrankfurt School - UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance (the Centre) atFrankfurt School of Finance & Management. In her role as Head of the Centre Ms. Kreibiehl has overall responsibility for all international Frankfurt School consultancy projects in the area of climate and sustainable energy finance. She is in charge of project acquisition and management, in particular quality management. Ms. Kreibiehl is also directly involved in selected projects. She is project leader for the REPP project on behalf of EIB focusing on financing gap assessments as well as the design of new and the modification of existing guarantee instruments.

She is also leading applied research efforts particularly with regard to the role of local investors in climate finance. Ms. Kreibiehl is also a co-author of the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) currently being prepared by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Before joining the Centre Silvia worked for Deutsche Bank for 17 years, thereof 10 years in corporate finance (Equity Capital Markets and Mergers&Acquisitions), in particular in the RE sector. She also worked four years on double bottom line investment opportunities and respective transaction structures in developing countries. Silvia was the lead analyst at Deutsche Bank for the GET FiT concept and responsible for DB’s shareholding in the Desertec Industrial initiative.

Other trainers will be featured, please check the website later for further details!




Please note: The selection of applications will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.

We look forward to seeing you in Mombasa!

Your Sustainable Energy Finance Summer Academy Team

Frankfurt School of Finance and Management gGmbH International Advisory Services Frankfurt School - UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate and Sustainable Energy Finance


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