Boletín #25 sobre el Agua y la Alimentación del CPWF

Martes, 16 Octubre, 2007 - 00:00

Ha salido la última versión del boletín "Agua y Alimentación" del Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF) del mes de agosto/septiembre del 2007. Este número contiene información sobre los avances con el arroz aeróbico (arroz cultivado utilizando menos agua y que puede cultivarse en terreno seco) en la provincia de Anhui - China y su gran potencial; sobre como el CPWF, en colaboración con el International Foundation for Science (IFS), apoya a jóvenes científicos de los países de la cuenca del Volta; y también sobre el enfoque indígena sobre la tierra y la gestión del agua que hace a un lado algunas prácticas de "poda (slash) y quema".

Además encontrará el acceso al Reporte Anual 2006 del CPWF; así como la presentación de los nuevos integrantes de la familia CPWF, donde destaca nuestro compañero Augusto Castro, Asistente de la Coordinación del Sistema Andino de Cuencas con sede en CONDESAN.

CPWF bi-monthly newsletter

August/September 2007

Advancing Rice Cultivation in Mengcheng

A predominantly agricultural area, Mengcheng County lies in Anhui province, China . With an annual rainfall value between 700 and 900 mm, tributaries from the Huai He River Basin are the main sources of irrigation water that flows through field canals.

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CPWF and the International Foundation for Science (IFS): Supporting Early-career Scientists in the Volta River Basin

To date, CPWF has had successful experiences providing interdisciplinary and transboundary training platforms for young scientists through its research projects1. Drawing from these experiences, CPWF has started a new capacity building collaboration with the International Foundation for Science (IFS), based in Stockholm , Sweden .

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The Quesungual Slash and Mulch Agroforestry System (QSMAS) - CPWF Project 15

The Quesungual Slash and Mulch Agroforestry System (QSMAS) is a production system practiced by resource-poor smallholders on steep slopes in the sub-humid tropics of the southwest Honduras . It has been the basis of a successful development strategy promoted by the FAO-Lempira Project that has focused on improving rural livelihoods in the Lempira Department, formerly the poorest region in Honduras .

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A Workshop on the Soil and Water Assessment Tool

Scientists now face new challenges arising from the complexity of having to address issues in a holistic manner. To respond effectively to these challenges scientists have to greatly expand their repertoire of skills and knowledge.

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Staff Changes

Kim Geheb has stepped down as Basin Coordinator, Mekong River Basin in order to take up a position with the CPWF in the role of Basin Network Coordinator (BNC), a new position that serves to support, coordinate, and streamline the work of the Basin Coordinators.

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CPWF Annual Report 2006 now available online

To read the latest CPWF Annual Report visit: HERE

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What"s on?

IWMI - CPWF Workshop: Strategic Analyses of India"s River Linking Project, India, 9 - 10 October 2007

Held at the NASC Complex Lecture Hall in New Delhi, India, this will be the first national workshop for CPWF project 48, which aims to assess India"s future in Water -2025 - 2050- and analyze alternative policy options for meeting the country"s future water demands.

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