CI busca Especialista en Políticas de Desarrollo

Viernes, 1 Septiembre, 2006 - 00:00

InfoNota 2006-254

Estimad@s Colegas,

Conservación Internacional - CI ( está en la búsqueda de un Especialista en Políticas de Desarrollo para la Región Andina.

El objetivo del puesto es maximizar la efectividad de CI y evitar las potenciales amenazas generadas por políticas de desarrollo y prácticas de agencias de desarrollo y gobiernos, especialmente al promover megaproyectos de infraestructura para desarrollo económico e integración. El puesto tendrá un papel clave, colaborando con los equipos de CI nacional, regional y global, así como agencias de desarrollo, la industria y las ONGs. El/la especialista formará parte de un dinámico equipo regional de expertos en diversas áreas, quienes trabajan con, y a través de, los equipos nacionales de CI en cada uno de los cinco países andinos: Bolivia, Perú, Ecuador, Colombia, y Venezuela.

La posición podrá tener sede en cualquiera de los países andinos. Para mayor información ingresar a: Tienes hasta el 29 de septiembre para enviar sus documentos a



Development Policy Specialist

Program: Andes CBC
Reports To: Director, Conservation Strategies Unit
Location: Andes (Bolivia, Perú, Ecuador, Colombia or Venezuela)

Biodiversity conservation in the Andes/Amazon region will be influenced massively by the development policies and practices of development agencies and governments, especially by the way in which they build large-scale infrastructure for economic development and integration. Industries, such as hydrocarbon, mining, logging and agro-industry, are also major factors affecting the region"s biodiversity. The purpose of this position is to maximize the effectiveness of CI in averting these threats and, where possible, converting them into opportunities for biodiversity conservation.

The position has a pivotal role, cooperating with CI country, regional and global programs, as well as collaborating externally with development agencies, industries and NGOs. It uses the science of CABS and the Latin American CBCs to formulate policy advice and communicate it effectively. It also provides a channel for 2-way cooperation between CI"s five Andean country programs, which work with governments and civil society, and regional/global bodies including CI"s Center for Conservation and Government, the Community of Andean Nations (CAN), the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (OTCA), international NGO partners, industry associations, and multilateral banks and development agencies. In addition, the position will guide and support CI Andes in integrating biodiversity conservation programs with the international development agenda, including poverty alleviation and the Millennium Development Goals.


- Coordinate CI"s efforts to avert threats and realize opportunities for biodiversity conservation, associated with megaprojects in the Andes region, including IIRSA highways and waterways, and with major industries including hydrocarbons, mining, logging and agro-industries. A key task will be the formulation of a proactive strategy, which enables CI to have a positive influence over the megaprojects but also institutionalizes the improved planning, mitigation and monitoring practices, so that CI can ultimately reduce its direct involvement. Influencing megaprojects is complex and involves diverse actors.

Elements include:

(a) liaising with CABS and CBC colleagues (Andes and neighbors), who are using information about conservation priorities (threatened/endemic species, key biodiversity areas etc) and socio-economic drivers in multi-disciplinary analyses and models to guide policy,
(b) using these analyses to generate informative materials and advice for governments, transport agencies and financing agencies in relation to the megaprojects,
(c) promoting and contributing to Strategic Environmental Assessments related to megaprojects and large-scale development planning, and monitoring implementation of environmental conditions,
(d) liaising with CI country directors on engagement of governments, mobilization of civil society and collaboration with communities (especially indigenous peoples) potentially affected by megaprojects,
(e) liaising with policy experts in Brazil and Guianas CBCs,
(f) building a constructive working relationship with development banks and other financing agencies and the industries involved in the projects they finance, in coordination with CCG and CELB respectively,
(g) building alliances with Sociedad Latinoamericano de Unidades Ambientales del sector Transporte (SLUAT), International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA), inter-governmental bodies (OTCA, CAN) and partner NGOs (e.g. FFLA, BIC, IUCN, WWF, TNC,WCS, ED) working on IIRSA and other megaprojects. - In coordination with CCG, create and take advantage of opportunities to contribute to the formulation and revision of international development agencies" social and environmental policies and safeguards, and to the monitoring of their application in the Andes. Priorities include Inter-American Development Bank, the Corporación Andina de Fomento (CAF), World Bank, International Finance Corporation and the European Union. In particular, increase these agencies" awareness and access to information about conservation priorities (hotspots, wilderness areas, threatened/endemic species, KBAs etc.), in order to strengthen biodiversity-related policies and their application.

- Provide the CI Andes program with expert guidance on the integration of biodiversity conservation into national and international economic and development policy. This may include (a) linkages between biodiversity conservation and the international development agenda of poverty alleviation / Millennium Development Goals / debt relief, (b) analysis, modeling and monitoring of alternative approaches to human development, and (c) minimizing threats and maximizing opportunities related to Free Trade Agreements and other globalization trends, especially in CI"s conservation corridors.

- Lead CI Andes efforts to engage major industries, including hydrocarbons, mining, logging and agro-industries, in order to avert associated threats and realize opportunities for biodiversity conservation. This involves (a) collaborating with CELB, CI country programs and key regional partners, notably Fundación Futuro Latino Americano (FFLA), on analyzing the inter-relationships between industry and biodiversity, (b) collaborating with CELB on analysis of supply chains, (c) collaborating with CI country programs and partners on analysis of regulatory and policy frameworks for the industries, (d) educating industry personnel about conservation priorities (hotspots, wilderness areas, threatened/endemic species, key biodiversity areas etc), and (e) promoting improvements in regulations, industry standards, adoption of best practices, biodiversity offsets and/or industry support for conservation programs.

- Help the CI Andes program to work with governments and civil society on the effective implementation of international conventions relevant to biodiversity. On such conventions, coordinate CI Andes involvement in supporting technical processes and discussion fora.

- In coordination with CCG Public Funding Division and CELB respectively, support CI Andes efforts to obtain funding from multilateral and corporate sources.

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