Consultor de Enlace Perú para la Fundación Lemelson

Viernes, 2 Febrero, 2007 - 00:00

Adjuntamos los Términos de Referencia (en inglés) para un Consultor de Enlace Local de la Fundación Lemelson para apoyo en el desarrollo de un Programa de Reconocimiento y Mentoría (RAMPs) en Perú.

NESsT, CIP-CONDESAN y la PUCP-GRUPO se han asociado para implementar el RAMP-Perú y proveer soporte a individuos, equipos de estudiantes, innovadores e inventores en invensiones comerciales o productos para sectores como agua, salud, agricultura o biodiversidad, que contribuyan al desarrollo sostenible y al alivio de la pobreza en el Perú.

Los interesados deben cumplir con los requerimientos indicados.
Tienen hasta fines de marzo del 2007 para aplicar.


Local Liaison Consultant

Call for Applications and Terms of Reference

The Lemelson Foundation mission is to support and inspire invention and innovation that improves people"s lives. The Foundation works in the USA and has begun increasingly working in the developing world through its Invention for Sustainable Development Program, with the mission of fostering human creativity and invention to meet basic human needs and to build sustainable livelihoods for the world"s poorest, i.e. those people earning less than US$ 2 per day. To accomplish its international goals, The Foundation focuses its grant giving within two strategic programs: Recognition and Mentoring Programs (RAMPs) and a portfolio Rof Technology Dissemination projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America .

The Lemelson Foundation is supporting the development of a Recognition and Mentoring Program in Peru via a partnership with three organizations, the Non-Profit Enterprise Self Sustainability Team (NESsT), the Centro Internacional de la Papa - Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecorregión Andina (CIP-CONDESAN) and Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - GRUPO de Apoyo al Sector Rural (PUCP-GRUPO). These three organizations are partnering to implement the RAMP-Peru which will provide support to individuals and/or teams of student and grassroots inventors and innovators in commercializing inventions or products in sectors such as water, energy, health, agriculture, or biodiversity, that contribute to sustainable development and poverty alleviation in Peru.

In support of this Program, the Lemelson Foundation, based in Portland Oregon USA , is searching for a consultant based in Peru to serve as a liaison for the Lemelson Foundation.


  • Bi-lingual fluent Spanish / English with good communication and reporting skills

  • Experience working with international development organizations operations in Peru

  • Knowledge of sustainable development, technology, small business and/or micro-finance issues

  • Independent, results oriented, flexible, willing and able to travel within Peru and internationally

Time Period : minimum 1 year renewable contract, beginning as soon as possible, but at the latest March 2007

Based : Lima , Peru

For More Information see:

To Apply : Please send cover letter and CV with “RAMP Peru Consultant” in the subject line to

Objective: To serve as TLF"s Peru-based representative and as a locally based TLF resource for RAMP Peru partners


The Lemelson Foundation Consultant Role

1. Program and Operational Development Support

•  Serve as a liaison between the TLF Portland office and RAMP Peru partners in their efforts to a) develop operational structures and appropriate policies and to b) create processes for due diligence of prospective candidates for support , mentoring of selected inventors and entrepreneurs, and project evaluation.

•  Attend and represent TLF at quarterly policy meetings or RAMP Peru partner coordination and screening meetings, promotional road-show and stakeholders meetings, presentations by selected inventors and select field visits that RAMP Peru partners undertake to evaluate an inventor or entrepreneur at their place of work field visits as appropriate.

•  Receive copies of all proposals submitted to RAMP Peru partners and provide Portland office an independent review of all program activities including, inventors and entrepreneurs applying for the program, the range of issues for which solutions are being proposed, pattern of inventions selected for support, and the quality of training programs . .

•  Help strengthen coordination and cooperation among RAMP Peru partners

•  Create an independent perspective to help the Foundation understand the program reach and impact

•  Assist in the development of a work plan for RAMP Peru with overall outputs for the year, leading to activities, individual roles, and budgets.

2. Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Reporting

•  Provide to The Lemelson Foundation Portland office monthly reports including analysis of progress on milestones as set out in TLF grant award letters and recommendations on various issues being reported

•  Ensure RAMP"s monitoring and evaluation practices contribute to TLF societal objectives

•  Actively identify opportunities and coordinate implementation of cross-RAMP learning events, fora, workshops, visits, calls, etc.

•  Attend meetings as appropriate with potential mentor institutions that RAMP Peru partners organize to evaluate an institution"s suitability to be included in the RAMP mentoring network.


•  In public fora, provide an overview about TLF and answer questions on TLF activities

•  Build rapport with key individuals in mentor institutions to seek feedback and to independently assess progress/impediments with creation of network of service providers

3. Financial Sustainability

•  Ensure development and implementation of RAMP sustainability plan

•  Help build RAMP network of potential financial resources and partners such as micro-credit institutions, commercial banks, venture capitalists, and other potential funders , as outlined in RAMP-Peru sustainability plan. .

4. Network-Building & Media

•  Expand the Foundation"s contacts with institutions throughout Peru by meeting and introducing RAMP to potential partners in the innovation to enterprise world.

•  Participate in meetings regarding development of content for the RAMP web site, brochures, posters and newsletters and relevant local fora in which the program is promoted.

•  Review all communication materials including, but not limited to, web content, program brochures, advertisements or other materials prepared by RAMP Peru partners, before it is distributed to the public Review and provide input to materials produced as outcomes of RAMP Peru communication and outreach strategy.

•  Identify media and outreach opportunit i es for RAMP and facilitate awareness raising activities. Publish articles in the local media, as appropriate, regarding RAMP Peru, its activities and impact.

5. Support to other TLF business in the region

•  Provide on the ground support to other TLF related initiatives in the region. These may include travel, field visits and analysis on specific issues and projects within the TLF Technology Dissemination portfolio, the Ashoka-Lemelson Program, and other areas.

•  General administration such as: a) Maintenance of records of all expense receipts as per Peruvian accounting standards and as guided by the local auditing firm hired by The Lemelson Foundation , b) Help with Peru -travel–related needs of the Foundation staff, Board members and other contacts including, but not limited to, reserving hotels, finalizing appointments, organizing transportation and communications, and coordinating meetings

6. Professional development and Capacity Building

•  Avail oneself of professional development opportunities relevant to RAMP

•  Periodically ascertain RAMP capacity building needs and ensure they are met

Work regions: 
Mountain Ranges: 

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