Convocatoria para ponencias en revista internacional MRD

Jueves, 15 Diciembre, 2005 - 00:00

Estimados Colegas,

Nuestros amigos de la revista Mountain Research and Development (MRD,, importante revista internacional sobre investigación relacionada al desarrollo en montañas, lanza la convocatoria de ponencias con énfasis en el Desarrollo Industrial y la Energía en áreas de Montaña (MRD Vol. 26 Nro. 2, Mayo 2006). Las contribuciones serán parte de la sección Development (Desarrollo), que son las 28 primeras páginas de la revista, con fotografías a color y otras ilustraciones relacionadas al tema del número para una audiencia de especialistas e investigadores. Las artículos deberán estar escritos en idioma inglés.

Si usted está interesado en presentar un artículo para esta sección, sírvase enviar un mensaje a con un pequeño texto que esboce su enfoque, a mas tardar hasta el 25 de diciembre del 2005.


Musuq Briceño D.
I n f o A n d i n a
Regional Node of the Mountain Forum for Latin America
Consortium for the Sustainable Development of the Andean Ecorregion (CONDESAN) - CIP
PO Box 1558, Lima 12, Perú
Telf.: (511) 3496017 ext. 2056 / Fax: (511) 3175326


Call for Papers
Industrial Development and Energy in Mountain Areas


Mountain Research and Development, a leading international journal that features key development-related research on mountains, is planning an issue with a focus on Industrial Development and Energy in Mountain areas (MRD Vol 26 No 2, May 2006).
Currently we are seeking contributions for the Development Section, the first 28 pages of the journal in which articles with color photographs and other illustrations deal with the theme of the issue for a mixed audience of development specialists and researchers.

The Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) has designated Industry as a key in achieving the goals of sustainable development as supplier of goods and services required by society, as a source of job creation and as an active participant in community life.In mountain countries in the South, over 70% of the population live in rural areas and most of these peoples livelihoods depend on small-scale agriculture.
This causes pressure on natural resources and a fragile environment. Industrial development appropriate to mountain settings can help mitigate both natural resource degradation and poverty by offering off-farm income opportunities.

- Do mountain areas have any comparative advantages for sustainable industrial development? What might be niche products?
- What scale of industry is appropriate to mountain areas?
- What are the preconditions to achieve a sustainable form of industrial development in mountain areas?
- What role does accountable energy supply play for industrial development and how can it benefit the local population?

These are some of the questions we would like to discuss in the May 2006 issue of Mountain Research and Development.

The main focus of papers in this issue should be on innovative approaches, project experiences, innovative policy efforts, etc. that aim at achieving sustainable industrial development in mountain areas.

Papers must be submitted in English and written in an engaging non-technical style, illustrated by attractive color photos and other forms of illustration. Papers in the Development Section of MRD are not peer-reviewed. Length: 3-4 pages in print, i.e. 10,000 - 14,000 characters, including spaces.

If you are interested in submitting a paper for the Development Section on some of the questions above, please send us a notice of intent as soon as possible, and a short draft of the abstract outlining your approach and the main statements by December 19, 2005.
The Editorial Team will assess all abstracts within the following week and contact you to inform you about their decision regarding your proposed paper. Please send the notice of intent together with the short draft of abstract to the Editorial Team:

The final version, including all figures, must be submitted to the Editorial Office by February 1, 2006.

Should you have questions, please send them to the MRD Editorial Team ( We will be happy to provide additional information about this important issue of MRD. For more information on the journal in general, please consult our web site:

We look forward to receiving your contribution to this issue!

Kind regards,
Susanne Wymann
Assistant Editor, MRD
MRD Editorial Office
Centre for Development and Environment
Institute of Geography
Steigerhubelstrasse 3
CH-3008 Berne
Tel.: +41 (0)31 631 88 22 (direct: +41 (0)31 631 37 51)
Fax.: +41 (0)31 631 85 44
Web site:

MRD is a member of the International Mountain Partnership!

El Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecorregión Andina (CONDESAN) realiza y facilita acciones concertadas en investigación, capacitación, desarrollo e iniciativas de políticas para el avance socioeconómico sostenible, a fin de contribuir a la equidad y bienestar de la población de la ecorregión andina y a la conservación de los recursos naturales.
Av. La Molina 1895. La Molina - Perú - tel. 511 3496017 / fax 511 3175326

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