Curso sobre el medio ambiente en zonas de montañas y el cambio climático

Miércoles, 12 Marzo, 2008 - 00:00

Gracias a nuestros colegas de la Secretaría del Mountain Partnership, compartimos con ustedes información del curso "Medio ambiente en zonas de montañas y el cambio climático" que se dictará del 23 de julio al 6 de agosto del 2008 en Italia.

Este programa de capacitación llamado IPROMO, espera contar con 30 profesionales que trabajen el tema de desarrollo en zonas de montañas a un nivel público y privado.

Invitamos a todos los interesados a leer la convocatoria (en inglés) y enviar sus papeles hasta el 14 de marzo

Course on “Mountain Environment and Climate Change”

23 July to 6 August 2008


Dear Mountain Partnership members,

We would like to inform you about a training programme for Mountain Partnership members on sustainable mountain development, which the Mountain Partnership Secretariat has developed with a number of mountain partners. This programme called IPROMO - International Programme for Education and Training on Sustainable Management of Mountain Areas - will start with a first course on “Mountain Environment and Climate Change”. This course will run from 23 July to 6 August 2008 and will be held mainly in a research station based on Mount Rosa (Piedmont region, Italy). This programme has also been linked to the UNESCO decade on Education for Sustainable Development.

The partners involved in organizing and funding this activity are:

  •  University of Turin, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of protection of agroforestry resources (leading organization);
  • Piedmont Region - mountain directorate;
  • Vercelli Province;
  • Natural Park Alta Valsesia;
  • Comunità Montana Valsesia;
  • Comune di Alagna Valsesia;
  • Club Alpino Italiano (Sezione di Varallo Sesia).
The course – which will be held in English - will be open to a maximum of 30 professionals with a University degree working for mountain development at both public and private levels. The organizers will make available a limited number of fellowships which will cover all costs for participants coming from developing countries and countries in transition. Part of the course will take place in a research institute, located on the Mount Rosa at around 3000m altitude, so good physical condition of participants is also required. Participants coming from countries or organizations which are members of the Mountain Partnership will be given priority.

Who is interested in participating can find additional information at and should send a detailed CV to and to by March 14, specifying if financial support would be required.

Thank you,

Mountain Partnership Secretariat
Work regions: 
Mountain Ranges: 

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