Estudios de Doctorado y Capacitación

Viernes, 14 Enero, 2005 - 00:00

La presente edición presente 2 posibilidades de realizar estudios de capacitación y doctorado:

  • Becas para estudios de doctorado en Ecología (CATIE) mas

  • Becas para estudios de doctorado en Experimentación participativa y Aprendizaje de Sistemas de Silvopastoral (CATIE) mas

  • Programa de Gestión y Planificación Ambiental (Galille College, Israel) mas

Mucho le agradecería si pudieran circular el anuncio adjunto entre sus contactos, a fin de hacerlo conocer a un grupo amplio de profesionales potencialmente interesados/as.

Saludos cordiales,

Musuq Briceño
C O N D E S A N - InfoAndina
Nodo Latinoamericano para el Foro de Montañas
Av. La Molina 1895. La Molina - Peru

PhD Studentship in Ecology at the Tropical Agricultural Centre for Research and Higher Education (CATIE)

The Tropical Agricultural Centre for Research and Higher Education (CATIE) invites applications from top-quality candidates for a PhD studentship in ecology, to work with Dr Bryan Finegan (Principal Advisor), Dr Celia Harvey, Dr Andreas Nieuwenhuyse, Dr Danilo Pezo, and other scientific staff at CATIE and its partner institutions.

The successful applicant will carry out research on ecosystem processes including ecosystem productivity and nutrient cycling in contrasting agroecological conditions in at least two of the three pilot areas the CATIE/NORAD-PD project has in Petén (Guatemala), Muy Muy (Nicaragua) and Olanchito (Honduras). In all three areas the landscape is dominated by low-productivity pastures with different degrees of tree cover but also includes riparian forest and secondary forest developing on abandoned pastureland, and improved pastures. The research project will investigate the relationship between ecosystem processes and habitat type, with particular emphasis on factors such as tree cover and management regime.

The project is expected to produce high-quality scientific publications, but also to provide key scientific support to the participatory development of options for the use of degraded pastures.

The scholarship is for three years and includes all tuition costs, research costs, living expenses and necessary international travel. The funds for the scholarship are administered by CATIE, and come from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD). Candidates must possess an M.Sc. degree from a recognized institution and be citizens of any Latin American or Caribbean country. Preference will be given to candidates from Central American countries. They should apply for entry to one of CATIE´s two joint PhD programmes, that with the University of Idaho, or that with the University of Wales. The decision regarding the joint programme to apply for should be taken after consultation with the CATIE researchers mentioned above. The official language of CATIE´s PhD programme is English.


  • Scientific and academic aspects of the studentship: Dr Bryan Finegan, Coordinator, Latin American Chair of Ecology in the Management of Tropical Forests; Tropical Agricultural Centre for Research and Higher Education (CATIE) Apartado 93-7170, Turrialba, Costa Rica tel. 00506 556 04 01, fax 00506 556 24 30, e-mail

  • The admission process: The Graduate School, CATIE, P.O. Box 7170, Turrialba, Costa Rica. Fax (506) 5560914, Tel. (506) 556 1016, e-mail

The starting date for this studentship is March 31st 2005.


PhD studentship in Participatory Experimentation and Learning in Silvopastoral Systems at the Tropical Agricultural Centre for Research and Higher Education (CATIE)

The Tropical Agricultural Centre for Research and Higher Education (CATIE) invites applications from top-quality candidates for a PhD studentship in Participatory experimentation and learning in Silvopastoral Systems.

The successful applicant will carry out research on participatory group learning and experimentation methods to strengthen farmers skills to rehabilitate and prevent further pasture degradation, through the implementation of silvopastoral systems, as one of the means to diversify and improve the productivity of livestock systems in degraded pasture lands. He/she will work in one or more of the three pilot areas the CATIE/NORAD-PD project has in Petén (Guatemala), Muy Muy (Nicaragua) and Olanchito (Honduras).

The project is expected to produce high-quality scientific publications, as well as to provide key scientific support to the participatory development of options for the use of degraded pastures.

The scholarship is for three years, and is part of a project funded by NORAD. It includes all tuition costs, research costs, living expenses and necessary international travel. Candidates must have a M.Sc. degree from a recognized institution in Animal Science, Agroforestry, Adult Education or any other related field. They must be citizens of any Latin American or Caribbean country; however preference will be given to Central American candidates. They should apply for entry to one of CATIE´s two joint PhD programmes: that with the University of Idaho, or that with the University of Wales. The decision regarding the joint programme to apply for should be taken after consultation with the CATIE researchers mentioned above. The official language of CATIE´s PhD programme is English, but for the nature of the research work candidates has to be proficient in Spanish as well.


· Scientific and academic aspects of the studentship: Dr Danilo Pezo, Regional Coordinator, Multi-stakeholder Participatory Development of Sustainable Land Use Alternatives for Degraded Pastures Lands in Central America Project (CATIE/NORAD). E-mail:

· The admission process: The Graduate School, CATIE, P.O. Box 7170, Turrialba, Costa Rica. Fax (506) 5560914, Tel. (506) 556 1016. E-mail:

The starting date for this studentship is March 31st 2005.


Programa de Gestión y Planificación Ambiental - Galille College, Israel

Estimado Sr/a

Galillee College, institución líder en Educación Superior en Israel, tiene el agrado de invitarle a sus Programas de Gestión y Planificación Ambiental y de Gestión del Agua y del Riego que se dictaran en Español en Israel entre el 19 de Mayo al 6 de Junio de 2005.

El Programa de Capacitación en "Agua y Gestión del Riego" se ha diseñado para profesionales comprometidos en la planificación, planeamiento y la dirección del funcionamiento de recursos hídricos; cultivo de tierras nuevas, saneamiento del agua y cultivo de pequeñas parcelas e individuos de la agroindustria relacionados con la dirección del riego. El Programa de Gestión y Planificación ambiental está orientado a la búsqueda de soluciones a los problemas actuales del Medio Ambiente, y al uso de la tecnología para el tratamiento de residuos y polución.

Estos seminarios internacionales brindan a sus participantes la posibilidad de interactuar con colegas de toda Latinoamerica y al mismo tiempo conocer la vasta experiencia israelí en estos temas. Con este objetivo, además de las horas semanales de estudio, se realizarán visitas de estudio guiadas en español y tours durante los fines de semanas.

Firmes a nuestro propósito de apoyar la capacitación de participantes provenientes de países en desarrollo, el Galillee College ofrece becas academicas (EUR1900)* para aquellos profesionales Latinoamericanos que cuenten con la aprobación de nuestro Comite de Admisiones.

Los requisitos para aplicar son: poseer título universitario y experiencia laboral en el area. Es necesario, además, enviar el formulario de
inscripción completo y una copia del Curriculum Vitae para consideración de nuestra Comisión de Admisiones. Puede solicitármelo por correo o acceder a ellos on line en y en

No dude en comunicarse conmigo si desea mayor información de este o de otros programas, estoy a su disposición.
Lo saluda atentamente.

Lic. Florencia Ricci
Administradora del Programa
fax (972-49830227)

* Esto no incluye el pasaje aereo desde y hacia Isreal y los gastos de estadía (EUR 2.865 ), los cuales serán costeados por el candidato, empleador o sponsor.

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