Financing Water for All


Report of the World Panel on Financing Water Infrastructure

The Panel has considered that its central responsibility was to answer the question: how to find the appropriate financial resources for the achievement of the two Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for water access and sanitation.
It is, nevertheless of the view that such targets cannot be separated from the consideration of the financial needs of all the different aspects of the water sector. These include all water uses, such as household water and sanitation, wastewater collection and treatment, irrigation and drainage, industrial water use, hydropower and navigation. The scope also includes resource management questions, such as watershed and river basin management, flood control, environmental protection, data gathering and climatic prediction. But the report does not pretend to be comprehensive in its proposals, which have been conditioned by the expertise and time available. The report deal in some depth with the water and sanitation sector, and dwells much less on other areas.

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Latin America
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