Llamado a presentar resúmenes para la IASC 2007

Jueves, 15 Marzo, 2007 - 00:00

Se invita a investigadores, estudiantes y la sociedad civil presentar resúmenes para participar sobre las Perspectiva del Sur en la Reunión Regional de Norte America IASC 2007 que se desarrollará del 21 de julio al 3 de agosto del 2007.

Son cupos limitados que se otorgarán, con fondos del IDRC, y que cubrirán viajes. Los interesados deben cubrir algunos temas del Common Research. La fecha final es el 23 de marzo del 2007

A Call for Abstracts from the Global South

IASC 2007 North American Regional Meeting being held

July 31 to August 3, 2007

On behalf of Sir Wilfred Grenfell College, Memorial University of Newfoundland, and the International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC), I would like to invite researchers, students, civil society practitioners, and managers from the public and private sectors from the global South to participate in the IASC 2007 North American Regional Meeting being held July 31 to August 3, 2007.

With IDRC funding, we are offering a limited number of travel grants to support a panel highlighting transitions in defining the commons from a Southern perspective. Individuals who are interested in participating in this panel should submit a paper relevant to one of the following

  • International institutions and the Commons;

  • Commons research - making the transition from information to public policy;

  • Expanding conceptions of the Commons, including the "New Commons"; or,

  • Reducing conflict, improving management, and increasing efficiency in traditional natural resource (e.g., fisheries, forestry, agriculture, wildlife, water) sectors.

Abstracts should be a maximum of 250 words. Please also include a short description of your professional background (200 word maximum).

Deadline for submission: March 23, 2007

For more information about the conference, see http://www.swgc.mun.ca/iasc2007/index.asp

Dr. Murray A. Rudd

Conference Chair

Assistant Professor / Canada Research Chair in Ecological Economics Memorial .

Tel: 709-639-7595

Fax: 709-637-6218

Email: mrudd@swgc.mun.ca

Web: www.swgc.mun.ca

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