Premio de la Fundación Bill & Belinda Gates

Lunes, 7 Agosto, 2006 - 00:00

Estimados Coleg@s,

La Red Internacional para la Disponibilidad de Publicaciones Científicas (INASP - International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications), a través de Rebecca Priestley, Oficial de Programa y Eventos, nos ha hecho llegar información sobre el Premio sobre el Acceso del Aprendizaje de la Fundación Bill and Melinda Gates . Este premio intenta reconocer la excelencia en el acceso a la información a través de las computadoras sin costo alguno para los usuarios. Los ganadores recibirán un premio de más de US $1 millón.

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Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Access to Learning Award

If your library or similar organisation provides access to information using computers and the Internet free of charge to users, we should like to hear your story

Application Overview

What is the philosophy behind the award?

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is committed to supporting public access to information through no-cost computer and Internet usage in public libraries. This award is the foundation"s way of recognizing innovative and successful initiatives that connect people to the information that they require in a timely and effective manner.

What kinds of institutions should apply?

Libraries or similar organizations, outside the United States , which provide no-cost public access, are invited to apply. Preference will be given to institutions that the foundation has not funded in the past. Previous recipients of the Access to Learning Award and libraries in the USA are not eligible to apply. The foundation particularly encourages libraries in resource-poor countries or those working with disadvantaged communities to apply.

How is “no-cost public access” defined?

A library or similar organization offers no-cost public access if it allows all members of the public, from children to senior citizens, to use its facilities free of charge (without membership or Internet fees). Organizations should show how they make information technology available to the public without charge and what kinds of technology training they offer to the public and staff. Preference will be given to organizations that reach out to socially excluded groups, such as poor or disabled patrons, or those from minority communities.

What is considered innovative?

A program is considered innovative if it provides access to information through technology and services that were previously unavailable to the community. Programs of any size or scope are considered.

How is the award recipient selected?

An international advisory committee of librarians and information technology experts reviews applications and selects three candidates for consideration by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The foundation selects the final recipient.

Is this a grant application?

No. The award is a recognition or prize for work accomplished, in progress, or completed. It is not a grant application.

Can institutions that applied previously apply again?

Yes, libraries or similar organizations that are eligible are invited to apply again. However, previous award recipients may not reapply.

How is the award money to be used?

The Access to Learning Award is a reward for work accomplished by an organization. We require only that the funds be used to further expand efforts to provide access to information to the public at no cost.

Recipient Selection Process

INASP will review applications and select a short list for consideration by an international advisory committee, which in turn recommends the top three to the foundation.

If your application is selected for further consideration, your organization may be contacted for a review of your programs, administration, and financing. Funders of your organization may be contacted, and references may be requested. This review may be done by foundation staff or by an intermediary organization on the foundation"s behalf and may include a site visit.

The final recipient will be selected by the foundation.

INASP will acknowledge receipt of all applications and will inform applicants of their status by July 2007.

Application Guidelines

We encourage applicants to use this electronic document for submission. It has been designed as an electronic form so that you can type answers directly into the appropriate fields. (Note that form fields will increase in size as needed to accommodate longer answers.) If you wish to submit your application using a different document, please use 12-point type with a 1-inch margin and be sure to number each response according to the application.

Please follow these additional guidelines when submitting your proposal:

  • Application must be written in English.

  • On each page, include a footer with a page number and the name of your organization.

  • Applications may be submitted via postal mail or email. All applications must be signed. Emailed applications should include a scanned copy of the signature page.

  • Applications must be postmarked or emailed by 31 December 2006 to:
    Attn: Carol Priestley
    INASP, 58 St Aldates
    Oxford , OX1 1ST
    United Kingdom

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