Solid State Lighting for the Developing World - The Only Solution


Approximately two billion people, one third of humanity still has no access lo electricity. and thus relies un fuel-based lighting, a dangerous alternative of last resort that is unhealthy. expensive, and offers very poor levels of illuinination. This lack of light makes it difficult to perform most evening activities including studies by children and aduIls alike and therefore represents a significant barrier to human development.
Over the past five years The Light Up The World Foundation (LUTW) has pioneered the use of the white light emitting diode (WLED) as an alternative home lighting solution, bringing clean, affordable light to thousands of non-electrified homes around the world.
The information presented herein is intended to increase awareness of the enormous potential possessed by this emergement technology, "Solid Stale I ighling" (SSL), to improve the quality of life of millions of people around thc world The feasibility of its implementation is demonstrated with results frorm comprehensive field experience and laboratory research work. The mutual economic, social and environmental benefits for both stakeholders and SSL suppliers are discussed. Strategies conducive to the dissemination of this technology throughout the developing world are also presented.

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