Transitioning to Climate Resilient Development. Perspectives from Communities in Peru


This report is an output of the project Adaptation Strategies to the Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts of El Niño for Rural Communities in Ecuador and Peru supported by the Trust Fund
for Environmental and Socially Sustainable Development (TFESSD) and led by the Climate Change Team of the World Bank’s Environment Department.

The report would not have been possible without the participation of the communities of Parachique, Chato Grande, Locuto, and Cabuyal in the Department of Piura and the communities of Santa Maria, Ancacca, Yanamocco, Candile, Accopata, and Alto Achuyo in the Department of Puno. Their willingness and openness for sharing their perspectives on vulnerability to climate risk, coping
and adaptive capacities, institutional support, and existing barriers are gratefully acknowledged.

Work regions: 
Latin America
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