Agricultural R&D in the Developing World: Too Little, Too Late?


This book combines new evidence with economic theory and an economic way of thinking about science policy—highlighting the developing-country aspects— as well as a set of in-depth, comparative country studies. These country studies take us well beyond generalities, providing insights into the important changes taking place within these countries and others they represent. The countries covered include the largest developing countries—China and India—as well as a range of richer and poorer, and more- and less-developed countries, representing most parts of the globe.
The information assembled here and the lessons learned in this volume argue for refocusing attention on agricultural R&D as an instrument for long-run economic development to help avert a continuation of the chronic hunger and malnutrition that afflict all too many people around the world. These lessons will pay off if they help revitalize multinational engagement and investment in the global public benefits of international agricultural research.

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Latin America | Global
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