Pedido de Propuestas - CAPRi 2006

Martes, 14 Marzo, 2006 - 00:00

Estimados Coleg@s,

Adjuntamos información correspondiente al Pedido de Propuestas CAPRi 2006 para Estudiantes de PhD interesados en Investigación para un proyecto CGIAR. A los seleccionados se les otorgará una beca con ese propósito.

La fecha límite para la recepción de propuestas es el 28 de abril de 2006 y el anuncio en los ganadores será en junio de 2006.


José Collazos
Nodo Regional para América Latina del Mountain Forum

Request for Proposals - CAPRi Program

Deadline: 28 April 2006


The CGIAR System-wide Program on Collective Action and Property Rights (CAPRi) invites participating CGIAR centers to respond to this Request for Proposals (RFP), in collaboration with PhD students who wish to undertake field research in a CGIAR project.

About the CAPRi Program

CAPRi aims to promote comparative research on the role played by collective action and property rights institutions for poverty reduction with particular reference to the management of natural resource systems in developing countries. The program builds on CGIAR research on these topics, in centers and in systemwide programs.

Research fellowships funded through this RFP will contribute to policies and practices that alleviate rural poverty by analyzing and disseminating knowledge on the ways that Collective Action and Property Rights institutions influence the livelihood of the rural poor as well as the efficiency, equity and sustainability of natural resource use.

Objectives of this RFP

The objectives of sponsoring PhD field research through the CAPRi program are to:

1. Establish or strengthen working relationships between CGIAR Centers and leading faculty in the fields of collective action and property rights.
2. Strengthen the capacity of graduate students in conducting field work on collective action and property rights.
3. Build or strengthen capacity to do such research in the CGIAR and partner institutions in developing countries.

Research sponsored under this RFP is expected to build on existing research at the CGIAR, such as either a) projects that already address collective action and/or property rights issues, or b) other ongoing research that has identified the relevance of collective action and property rights, but has not yet been able to devote research to the topic.

The CAPRi program gives priority to the following research themes, based on their importance in natural resource management, policy focus, relevance to the CGIAR mandate, and their widespread applicability across resources and regions:

  • Accommodating Multiple Uses and Users of Natural Resources

  • Changing Market Relationships

  • Feminization of Agriculture and Demographic Change

  • Genetic Resources

  • Role of Environmental Risk

  • Structuring Devolution

  • Technology Adoption

For a description of these research themes go to

Support for this research and the overall CAPRi program is provided by the Governments of Norway, Italy, Germany, and the World Bank. Five field research fellowships are expected to be awarded funding. CAPRi will endeavor to assist all high-quality projects to identify additional donors, either to supplement funds provided through this RFP or as a substitute, if the proposal is not selected for funding through this RFP.

Who may apply

An eligible candidate for a CAPRi Field Research Fellowship is a full-time Ph.D. student in the social sciences or humanities - regardless of citizenship or place of study. Applicants must complete all Ph.D. requirements except fieldwork and dissertation by the time the fellowship begins.

CAPRi can only fund research carried out in collaboration with a CGIAR research project in a developing country. Each student can submit one proposal through any one of the CGIAR centers. A CGIAR center can submit several proposals.

Collaboration with an institution (research institution or NGO) in the country or countries of research and collaborative proposals from more than one CGIAR center are encouraged, but not required.

National institutes in developing countries may initiate the research project, but substantial involvement of a CGIAR center is required. Funds will be remitted to the CGIAR center, and they are responsible for accounting and deliverables.

To facilitate the search of CGIAR projects for students and vice versa, CAPRi has set up searchable databases where CGIAR researchers and students can advertise their respective offers (

Criteria for Grant Selection

1. Quality of the proposal, particularly in theory and methods of addressing issues of collective action and/or property rights.
2. The importance of the proposed research for poverty reduction and/or natural resource management.
3. Background of student and professor(s) on collective action and/or property rights issues.
4. Level of integration of student"s field research with the research of the CGIAR center.
5. Sufficient language skills to conduct field work.
6. Cost effectiveness of the research.

Proposals will be reviewed according to these criteria by an independent Proposal Review Panel. The review panel will give its recommendations on the proposals to the CAPRi Executive Committee, which will make the final selection, based on the review panel"s recommendations.


Fellowships will provide support for nine to fifteen months in the field, including travel expenses. They will not exceed $30,000. In some cases, the candidate may propose fewer than nine months of overseas fieldwork, but no award will be given for fewer than six months. The fellowship must be held for a single continuous period within the eighteen months between July 2006 and December 2007.

The proposal may request funding for the following expenses, as needed:

  • Round-trip transportation to the host country (including visa fees, if applicable)

  • Maintenance for the period of field work, based on living costs in the host country (using standards of comparable programs, such as the Fulbright stipend levels)

  • Research allowance for supplemental expenses, e.g. local travel, research support (max. US$5,000)

  • Supplemental health and accident insurance

The grant will cover only the above expenses and NOT tuition or any other costs incurring at the university during the field research period, and is not meant to finance the "writing up" of already undertaken field research.

As part of the overall grant, CAPRi will also cover travel of the advisor or another PhD committee member to join the student in the field. It is expected that the advisor (or committee member) gives a presentation on a related subject at the CGIAR center. The costs covered include travel costs (by the most direct and cheapest route possible) as well as accommodation and meals following the reporting requirements of the specific CGIAR center.

In addition to reporting requirements, several deliverables have to be submitted. Upon completion of the field-work the student will present his/ her preliminary findings at the collaborating CGIAR center. Within 6 months of completion of field work, the student will submit a CAPRi Working Paper, co-authored with a researcher from the collaborating CGIAR center and/or local counterpart organization. It is also encouraged to involve a committee member. A copy of the dissertation will be provided to the CGIAR center and CAPRi on completion.

Process and Timetable

April 28, 2006 Proposals due. Fully completed proposals must be sent by email no later than the due date. All submissions will receive notification upon receipt of their application.

June 2006 Announcement of research awards. Recipients will be notified, and all other applicants receive comments on their proposals, to strengthen them for submission to other donors.

How to Apply

The completed application form including any supporting material should be emailed to Stephan Dohrn at The form can be downloaded at

Late proposals or proposal components cannot be accepted.


Any questions regarding this RFP should be directed to

Potential applicants are encouraged to contact Ruth or Stephan to indicate their interest, and to ask any questions, to make sure the proposals submitted are as strong as possible.

Note: These grants are premised on the assumption that the student will be working on a CGIAR project that will cover most field expenses, especially equipment, local travel and support teams. The intent of this allowance is to cover some supplemental expenses that may be incurred by the student. Grantees with projects that require extensive research support, materials, or equipment must obtain funding from other sources for this purpose.

Work regions: 
Mountain Ranges: 

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