Scanagri Finland busca Consultor@s para Programa de Biodiversidad en los Andes

Martes, 14 Noviembre, 2006 - 00:00

Adjuntamos la convocatoria de la Scanagri Finland para Consultores Seniors que desean trabajar en comunidades andinas de Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Perú y Venezuela.

El proyecto busca cubrir los siguientes tópicos: Conservación y gestión de la biodiversidad a nivel regional , GIS en diversidad biológica, Usos de suelos promoviendo la zonificación ecológica y ecnómica, y Soporte en el desarrollo de capacidades en la formulación del proyecto y la cooperación con organizaciones existentes a nivel nacional y regional.

Los interesados pueden postular hasta fines del 2006.

International experts for Biodiversity Programme in Andean Community

Scanagri Finland invites senior consultants to submit CVs

  • Type: Chief Technical Adviser (CTA) + various short-term experts

  • Location: Andean community ( Peru , Bolivia , Ecuador , Columbia and Venezuela )

  • Time table: Tender submission in the end of 2006. The programme is expected to start during the first quarter of 2007.

Description of project:

  1. Conservation & management of the biodiversity (including livelihoods & bio-commerce development) on regional level,

  2. GIS on biological diversity,

  3. Land-use promoting the ecological and economical zoning (ZEE), and

  4. Support to develop capacity in project formulation and in cooperation with existing organisations on national and regional level

General requirements of applicants: At least 10 years of professional experience in biodiversity conservation and NRM, team leading and project coordination experience, working experience from Andean region / Latin America with donor financed projects, MSc in relevant field, excellent social and communication skills, and fluent skills in Spanish and English languages.

Application instructions: Interested consultants/specialists should submit CVs to Hanna Mykkänen via email with CC to and

Work regions: 
Mountain Ranges: 

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