Premio ReSource para la gestión sostenible de cuencas

Viernes, 30 Marzo, 2007 - 00:00

El 31 de mayo de 2007 es la fecha límite para la presentación de candidaturas a éste Premio que es organizado por la Compañía de seguros y servicios financieros Swiss Re de Suiza.

El Premio Internacional ReSource de un total de 150.000 de USD, se concede a uno o varios proyectos seleccionados por un jurado internacional. El Premio ReSource, lanzado en 2002 por la compañía Swiss Re, es un galardón que premia anualmente el liderazgo en la aplicación de los principios de sostenibilidad en la gestión de cuencas. El dinero del premio se otorga exclusivamente para actividades de implementación de proyectos y no para desarrollar o fortalecer las organizaciones que presentan su candidatura.

As the world"s leading reinsurer, Swiss Re is committed to supporting the planning, evaluation and implementation of water-related projects with the aim of promoting awareness and encouraging the efficient use of this precious resource.
Swiss Re ReSource Award for Sustainable Watershed Management

On 22 March 2007 the 5th ReSource Award Ceremony was held at the Sheraton Addis in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. This year"s award goes to an innovative rainwater harvesting project in Southern Ethiopia, submitted by the Ethiopian Rainwater Harvesting Association together with three other organisations. The winning contestant has been granted USD 50 000 to implement the pilot project submitted for the award, with an additional USD 30 000 to be paid for scaling up the project upon successful completion of the pilot. The runner-up, a project based in Jamaica, received USD 70 000.

Some 70 clients, representatives from the winners, GO"s (eg UNDP) and NGOs, philanthropy organisations, academia and the press attended the event. Swiss Re was especially delighted to welcome the Minister of Water Asefaw Dingamo, Ministry of Water Resources of Ethiopia as well as the Swiss Ambassador to the ceremony.

After the welcome speech of Glenda Montegnani, Head Client Markets Property and Casualty Africa, Ivo Menzinger, Head Sustainability and Emerging Risk Management made a presentation on Swiss Re"s Corporate Responsibility and introduced the audience to the ReSource Award. The award winner speech, held by Mr Ephraim Alamereph Bogale, Executive Director of the Ethiopian Rainwater Harvesting Association was followed by the hand-over of the winners certificate. The closing of the event was done by Tesfaye Alemu from Ethiopian Insurance Corporation, one of Swiss Re"s clients in Ethiopia.

What is the ReSource Award?

The International ReSource Award is worth USD 150 000 in total and is granted to one or several projects selected by an international jury. Launched in 2002, the
ReSource Award is an internationally recognised prize for leadership in implementing the principles of sustainability in watershed management. It is conferred annually. The prize money is awarded exclusively for project implementation activities and not for building-up or strengthening the organisations that are submitting an application.

Submission deadline for the ReSource Award 2008 will be 31 May 2007.

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