Tercera Conferencia Internacional sobre Tizón Tardío

Jueves, 7 Febrero, 2008 - 00:00

Gracias a la iniciativa conjunta del Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP), de la Iniciativa Global sobre el Tizón Tardío (GILB) y la Academia China de Agricultura y Ciencia (CAAS), tendrá lugar en Beijin, China,  la Tercera Conferencia Internacional sobre Tizón Tardío, del 3 al 6 de abril del 2008.

El Tizón Tardío continúa siendo una de las plagas más destructivas en papas, tomates y cultivos Solanum. Gracias a la capacidad de convocatoria que tiene las instituciones organizadoras, se ha reunido a un selecto grupo de especialistas de todo el mundo para poder discutir acerca de los últimos avances en estudio de plagas, manejo de enfermedades, biología patógena y dinámica, cultivos resistentes,  biología molecular en la interacción entre portador - agente patógeno y, por último, control químico.

El alto nivel académico de los investigadores convocados hace de esta, una oportunidad ideal para poder proponer mejoras e innovaciones para este problema que afecta a un gran sector de agricultores. Otro objetivo de la conferencia es la oportunidad de generar un espacio adecuado para la colaboración internacional. En la conferencia previa, en Hamburg, Alemania en el año 2002, se contó con la participación de más de 180 investigadores de 42 diferentes países.

El idioma oficial de la conferencia será el Inglés.
En el detalle de la infonota podrá encontrar información sobre el programa de la conferencia, actividades, y el comité académico (en Inglés).

Tentative program

The General theme of the Third International Late Blight Conference is: International Collaboration on Late Blight Research.

The conference will last 3 days with a two-day workshop before the meeting and a 3-day field visit after the meeting. Both the workshop and the field visit are optional. Costs and details are forthcoming.

Within the meeting, sessions will deal with six major topics, but special interest groups may also hold satellite meetings by arrangement with the organizers. The specific program will be developed as scientific contributions are received.

General program for Third International Conference on Late Blight and Related Activities

March 31

Workshop attendees arrive and register

April 1-2

Pre-conference workshop

April 2

LB Meeting attendees arrive and register (welcome dinner or cocktail in evening)

April 3-5

Full day meetings of conference (see program). Those who do not want to go to CPC or Sichuan are now done.

April 5

Second half of day people can begin Registering for CPC in the afternoon

April 6

Sightseeing in Beijing for these who want to go to Sichuan and departure for these who don’t go to Sichuan, not all the participants will go to Sichuan

April 7

Travel to Sichuan (Participants from CPC and from sightseeing)

April 8

Visit potato fields and (labs?).

April 9

Travel back to Beijing from Sichuan

April 2 Evening

All day

Arrival registration

19:00 21:00

Social (dinner?) to be defined.

April 3 - Day 1


8:00 8:15

Meeting opening, announcements

Dr. Kaiyun Xie

8:15 8:30


Dr. Dongyu Qu (Vice President - CAAS)

8:30 8:45


Dr. Pamela Anderson (Director General - CIP)

Pathogen biology and Host Pathogen Interactions

8:30 9:00

From a European to a global database of P. infestans genetic diversity: examining the nature and significance of population change

Dr. David Cooke

9:00 9:30

Historical and current population biology of late blight: from the Irish potato famine to SE Asia, Russia and China

Dr. Jean Ristaino

9:30 10:00

Unraveling the senses of Phytophthora; leads to novel control strategies?

Dr. Francine Govers

10:00 10:30

Coffee break

10:30 11:00

Late blight in the genomics era

Dr. Sophien Kamoun

11:00 11:30

Applying cisgenesis to enhance late blight resistance in potato”

Dr. Evert Jacobsen

Epidemiology, disease management and chemical control

11:30 12:00

Late blight management in China

Dr. Keqiang Cao, Dr. Wei He and Dr. Fengyi Wang

12:00 12:30

The role of oospores in the epidemiology of potato late blight

Dr. Bjorn Andersson and Dr. Jonathan Yuen

12:30 14:00


14:00 17:00

Afternoon sessions –
2 parallel sessions

April 4 - Day 2

8:00 8:30

Alternative approaches to late blight management

Dr. Eduardo Mizubuti

8:30 9:00

Late blight simulation and forecasting: bells and whistles or real tools for researchers and farmers

Dr. William Fry

9:00 9:30

“Disease control strategies in Europe and the US”

Dr. Huub Schepers and Dr. Walt Stevenson

9:30 10:00

Past, present and future of chemical control of late blight

Ir. Albert Schirring

10:00 10:30

Coffee break

10:30 11:00

Breeding for Field Resistance, based on the last 18 years of experience at SCRI

Dr. John Bradshaw

11:00 11:30

Elements of strategy for resistance breeding against P. infestans

Dr. Ewa Zimnoch-Guzowska

11:30 12:00

The human element - training

Dr. Jorge Andrade

12:30 14:00


14:00 17:00

Afternoon sessions

2 parallel sessions

April 5 - Day 3

Morning sessions

2 parallel sessions

12:30 14:00


Coordination and future research

14:00 14:20

Dutch umbrella project

Dr. Piet Boonekamp

14:20 14:40


Dr. Jonathan Yuen

14:40 15:00


Dr. Allison Lees, Dr. Jens Hansen

15:00 15:20

African LB group

Dr. Peter Gildemacher

15:20 15:45

Coffee break

15:45 16:00


Dr. Greg Forbes

16:00 16:30

General discussion



Coordinating institutions:

The Global Initiative on Late Blight (GILB)

The International Potato Center (CIP)

The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)

Honorary Chairpersons:

Huqu Zhai (President - CAAS)

Pamela Anderson (Director General - CIP)

Coordinating committee:


Dongyu Qu (China), dyqu@mail.caas.net.cn

Vice President, Chairman of Chinese Potato Association, CAAS, China

Greg Forbes (CIP), g.forbes@cgiar.org

Pathologist, Integrated Crop Mangement Division, CIP, Peru

Bud Platt (GILB), platth@agr.gc.ca
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, PEI, Canada

Vice President:

Fernando Ezeta (CIP), f.ezeta@cgiar.org

Regional Leader, CIP-ESEAP, Jakarta, Indonesia

Youliang Peng (China) , pengyl@public3.bta.net.cn
Prof, Chairman of Chinese Pathology Association, China Agricultural University CAU, China

Conghua Xie (China), xiech@mail.hzau.edu.cn

Vice president, Huazhong Agricultural University, China

Kaiyun Xie (CIP), k.xie@cgiar.org

Liaison Scientist, CIP-China or CIP-ESEAP, Beijing, China

Logistical Support

Martha Huanes (CIP), m.huanes@cgiar.org

Conference and Events Officer, CIP, Peru

Dongxin Feng (China), fengdx@mail.caas.net.cn

Division Head,CAAS, China

Guangshu Liu (China) , liugsh@caas.net.cn

Division Head, IVF-CAAS, China

Science committee members:


J. Yuen, Jonathan.Yuen@mykopat.slu.se

Professor in Plant Pathology Dept. of Forest Mycology and Pathology Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden

Keqiang Cao, ckq@hebau.edu.cn

Prof. Dean of College of Plant Protection, Hebei HAU, China

Pathogen biology and dynamics:

David Cooke, David.Cooke@scri.ac.uk

Plant Pathology, SCRI, UK

Jean Ristaino, jean_ristaino@ncsu.edu

Plant Pathologist, North Carolina State University, USA

Resistance breeding:

Marcelo Huarte, huarte@balcarce.inta.gov.ar

INTA, Balcarce, Argentina

Ewa Zimnoch-Guzowska, e.zimnoch-guzowska@ihar.edu.pl

Plant Breeding & Acclimatization Institute, Mlochów, Poland

Liping Jin, jinlp@mail.caas.net.cn

Prof. Institute of Vegetables and Flowers, CAAS, China

Fengyi Wang f.wang@cgiar.org

Prof. Project Coordinator, CIP-ESEAP, China

Disease Management:

 E. Mizubuti, mizubuti@ufv.br

Universidade Federal de Vicosa, Brazil.

Bill Fry, wef1@cornell.edu

Professor of Plant Pathology and Senior Associate Dean College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University, USA

Wei He, hew@mail.sc.cninfo.net
Prof. Crop Research Institute, Sichuan SAAS , China

Molecular Biology of Host Pathogen Interactions:

F. Govers, Francine.Govers@wur.nl

Laboratory of Phytopathology, UR Wageningen University, NL

Sophien Kamoun, sophien.kamoun@tsl.ac.uk

Sainsbury Laboratory, John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK

Sanwen Huang, huangsanwen@caas.net.cn

Prof. Institute of Vegetables and Flowers, CAAS, China

Chemical control:

H. Schepers, Huub.Schepers@wur.nl

Applied Plant Research, WUR, Lelystad, NL


Stevenson, wrs@plantpath.wisc.edu

Plant Pathology University of Wisconsin Madison, USA

Work regions: 
Mountain Ranges: 

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