
ARCOS, UNEP and partners release two landmark publications to support African Sustainable Mountain Development agenda
On 4th March 2015, ARCOS, UNEP and Partners released two landmark publications to guide Sustainable Mountain Development agenda in...

​During the #COP20, and in the framework of the Mountain Pavilion, was launched the grand book called "PERÚ, PAIS DE MONTAÑAS" (Peru, country of mountains) promoted by the Environment Ministry of Peru and the Belgian...

As a contribution to the UN Year of Soils 2015, the Mountain Partnership Secretariat is preparing a publication on mountain soils jointly with FAO, the Department of Agriculture, Forest and Food Sciences...

Policy Brief

Mountains cover 25 percent of the world’s land surface, and directly support 12 percent of the world’s population living within mountain regions. Sustainable mountain development should be a global priority given the multitude of ecosystem goods and...

Policy Brief

Sustainable mountains development should be a global priority given the multitude of services that mountains provide, among the most notable being water for half of humanity for drinking, irrigation and energy production. Theses ecosystem services are...

Sustainable mountains development should be a global priority given the multitude of services that mountains provide, among the most notable being water for half of humanity for drinking, irrigation and energy production, The pressing need to alleviate poverty in mountain regions is...

Policy Brief
Mountains cover 25 percent of the world’s land surface, and directly support 12 percent of the world’s population living within mountain regions. Sustainable mountain development (SMD) should be a global priority, given the multitude...

Mountain regions across the globe are important tourist destinations. Today, there is practically no region in the world where the special qualities of mountains are not acknowledged by tourists. For many mountain regions, tourism has become an important economic resource, bringing new...

The Conference aims to complete the assessment and review of the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action, adopt a post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction and identify modalities of cooperation based on commitments to implement the new post-2015 framework for disaster...

Asia’s High Mountains (AHM) are at particular risk from shifting climate, as much of the region is highly dependent on seasonal rainfall and glacial runoff for water resources, and many communities lack the resources to respond to the effects of rapidly shifting climate. AHM are also vulnerable to increases in frequency and intensity of extreme weather. Management strategies are complicated by...


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