
Estudio de Caso sobre sistemas de riego en la Comunidad de Laraos (Lima, Yauyos, Perú).

Report of the World Panel on Financing Water Infrastructure

The Panel has considered that its central responsibility was to answer the question: how to find the appropriate financial resources for the achievement of the two Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for water access...

El objetivo de estos talleres era el facilitar la difusión de los servicios de InfoAndina y del Foro de Montañas a usuarios que trabajan en proyectos de desarrollo en regiones rurales, algunos de los cuales aún no cuentan con enlace al Internet, promoviendo las ventajas y beneficios de...

El propósito de la nueva política de la COSUDE es asegurar que todas sus intervenciones fomenten la igualdad de las mujeres y de los hombres para que
puedan ejercer los mismos derechos y disfrutar equitativamente de los beneficios del desarrollo. La estrategia para lograr este...

Esta publicación contiene la traducción al español del libro " Genes in the field” cuyo autor el Dr. Stephen Brush, reconocido antropólogo norteamericano, que esta contribuyendo al avance del tema de conservación in situ a nivel mundial.
El artículo abarca diferentes tópicos, desde...

El presente documento profundiza el debate conpectual y contribuye a la elaboración de un marco conceptual para la acción que facilite el acceso indígena a las TIC.

You and your telecenter are part of an important worldwide movement. For about 15 years — since “telecottages” began appearing in countries as widespread as Sweden and Australia — telecenters have been established to give people in large and small communities access to various...

Water Policy Briefing Series , Issue - March 2003

Agriculture currently consumes 70% of the world's developed fresh water supplies. By improving the productivity of water used for agriculture by 40%, it is
possible to reduce the amount of additional freshwater withdrawals...

Research Report Series- Report 1, 2003

This document focuses on the impact of degradation of land and water on food and environmental security. It aims to provide a basis for priority policy and research actions that will counteract the progression of degradation and will reduce...

In: Harvard Business School, February 2003

Multilateral institutions provide support to private projects in developing nations with the goal of stimulating growth and reducing poverty. The institutions may lend fund directly, provide support indirectly though guarantees, or take...


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