Concurso Fotográfico para la Reunión Anual del CGIAR

Mardi, 19 Septembre, 2006 - 00:00

Para esta edición de la Reunión Anual del CGIAR (Grupo Consultivo en Investigación Internacional Agrícola) y se está convocando a un concurso fotográfico que refleje los cambios en las vidas de las pesonas gracias al desarrolllo de la agricultura y la mejora de sus condiciones de vida. Estos cambios han resultado del mejoramiento de las variedades de cultivos y el uso de los recursos genéticos; nuevas prácticas de manejo sostenible, pesca, y recursos naturales.

Si tienes un ojo para captar estos cambios, participa de este concurso.

Annual General Meeting 2006 and Associated Events


An Eye on Change through Agricultural Science

The CGIAR invites you to participate in a Photo Contest that is being
as part of the upcoming Annual General Meeting 2006 (AGM06). AGM06 will

be held
in Washington, DC, from December 4-7, 2006.

As this is the first year a photo contest is being held during AGM06,
we are
limiting the contest to one theme "An Eye on Change through Agricultural
Science". Applicants are encouraged to submit entries portraying
elements of
work carried out by the CGIAR. These photos can represent, but are not
limited to:

  • outcome of successful research

  • crops, livestock, fisheries, natural resources management, water

  • food, nutrition

  • laboratory work

  • genebanks, germplasm

  • research partnerships

Besides the coverage of the theme, the photos will also be judged on
composition and, if applicable, color. They should, as much as possible,
have an

emotional and/or esthetic impact, and be able to tell a story at a
glance. All
entries should be received by October 9, 2006.

Only 2 entries per person will be accepted. Submissions received after
deadline will not be considered.

For more information on criteria and eligibility, and to access the
nomination forms, please go to:

Work regions: 
Mountain Ranges: 

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