Convocatoria para Coordinador de Proyecto Paramo Andino

Vendredi, 27 Janvier, 2006 - 00:00

Estimados Amig@s de CONDESAN y Miembros del Mountain Forum,

Compartimos con ustedes la convocatoria y terminos de referencia para COORDINADOR del Proyecto Páramo Andino "CONSERVACIÓN DE LA BIODIVERSIDAD EN LOS PÁRAMOS EN LOS ANDES SEPTENTRIONALES Y CENTRALES", proyecto regional auspiciado por el Fondo Mundial del Ambiente (GEF) y teniendo como agencia ejecutora líder a CONDESAN.

El proyecto tendrá una duración de seis años, y se prevé una designación para tal lapso de tiempo. La persona que se designe como Coordinador del Proyecto firmará un contrato de locación de servicios con el Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP); y por tanto, la coordinación se realizará desde la oficina del CIP en la Estación de Santa Catalina, Quito, Ecuador.

Les pedimos apoyo en la difunsión de esta información entre sus contactos o personas interesadas.


Musuq Briceño
Oficial de Información
Nodo Regional para América Latina del Mountain Forum

International Potato Center
Ref: Condesan/GEF/01/06

Project Coordinator ( Paramo Andino, GEF)

The International Potato Center (CIP) is seeking a Coordinator for its Paramo Andino Project “CONSERVATION OF THE BIODIVERSITY OF THE PARAMO IN THE NORTHERN AND CENTRAL ANDES.” CIP seeks diversity and gender balance in its staff. Women and citizens of developing countries are particularly urged to apply.

The CENTER: CIP is a not-for-profit international agricultural research organization with a global mandate to conduct research on potatoes and sweetpotatoes, sustainable management of natural resources and urban agriculture. CIP"s vision is to contribute from its areas of expertise to the fulfillment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), in particular those goals that relate to poverty, hunger, child and maternal mortality, and sustainable development in rural and urban systems. CIP has its headquarters in Lima , Peru with staff and activities in locations across Africa, Asia and Latin America . CIP is a member of the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research, a network of 15 research centers mostly located in the developing world and supported by more than 60 donor members.

The PROJECT: The Proyecto Paramo Andino will assist the participant countries ( Colombia , Ecuador , Peru and Venezuela ) to overcome the main barriers to the preservation of biodiversity and to safeguard water sources and other environment al services and functions in the Andean Paramo Areas. The objective of this Project is to support the preservation and sustainable use of the biodiversity of the paramo ecosystem. Specifically, this project will: (i) implement examples of better practices for the management of paramo areas at nine critical places; (ii) support at several governmental and non-governmental levels the adoption of adequate policies for the preservation of paramo areas; (iii) increase the technical capacity of the paramo inhabitants and of the field technicians for the management of paramo areas; (iv) enhance the knowledge and information about paramo areas among policy-makers and the population in general; and (v) replicate the best lessons of the project in other areas and at Andean level scales.

The POSITION: CIP seeks an accomplished scientist as Coordinator for its Paramo Andino Project, a regional project sponsored by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF). The Coordinator will have primary responsibility for the preparation and implementation of the project"s working plan, will support, coordinate and will supervise its timely execution by the National Executing Agencies. The position reports to CONDESAN"s Coordination Unit and will be based at CIPs regional offices in Quito , Ecuador with frequent international travel.

The “Leading Executing Agency” of the project is the Consortium for the Sustainable Development of the Andean Ecoregion (CONDESAN), and the national executing agencies are the Institute of Environmental and Ecologic Sciences of the University of Los Andes (ICAE-ULA) in Mérida, Venezuela; the Alexander von Humboldt Institute of Colombia; EcoCiencia of Ecuador; and The Mountain Institute-Peru (TMI-Perú). The International executing agencies are the University of Amsterdam and the University of Wisconsin .


  • Manage the preparation and implementation of the Working Plan, assuming the responsibility for the compliance of the proposed objectives based on the Project Proposal Document approved by the GEF Secretariat, and the internal operational document approved by UNEP and the Project"s Steering Committee.

  • Support, coordinate and supervise the timely execution of the Working Plans by the National Executing Agencies responsible for the project in each of the participating countries, partaking in the execution of the various components, monitoring the disbursements and the use of allocated funds, and assuring their correct application.

  • Assume, on the basis of the Project Proposal Document, the responsibility for those specific technical advising projects, which are to be executed in accordance to his/her position and/or the personnel of the Coordination Unit under his/her direct supervision.

  • Set up together with CONDESAN Coordination Unit, a disbursements schedule coordinating the timely transfers of funds for the execution of activities according to the Working Plan and the approved budgets.

  • Assure the efficient coordination among the various project components, the executing agencies and the execution levels of the Project (local, national, international), actively promoting horizontal communication and synergies among them and with the CONDESAN Coordination Unit.

  • Maintain a constant communication with national coordinators to assure an information flow that will allow a continuous and efficient coordination.

  • Advise both the Executing Agencies of the countries and the CONDESAN Coordination Unit of the various areas on opportunities or matters requiring attention in order to comply adequately with Project objectives, and encourage their participation when needed.

  • Maintain a fluent communication and regularly inform all project participants (Steering Committee, Coordination Committee, CONDESAN Coordination Unit, consultants, researches, stakeholders) on the project progress and respond to any information requests from Project members.

  • Establish strategic alliances with the existing initiatives in the region for the execution of the Project, creating and promoting complementary work and synergies.

  • Prepare in coordination with the CONDESAN Coordination Unit, the agenda and work documents for the Steering Committee and the Project Coordination Committee meetings; document and register the minutes of such meetings and prepare the reports with the resolutions adopted therein.

  • Arrange for and follow up in coordination with the CONDESAN Coordination Unit and with the collaboration of countries representatives, the consultancy contracts and service orders generated during the performance of the Project in accordance with the Working Plan and the approved budgets.

  • Maintain together with the CONDESAN Coordination Unit permanent communication and coordination with the Task Manager Officer and Fund Manager Officer, assigned by UNEP to assure compliance with the project"s objectives.

  • Coordinate the preparation of the national technical and financial reports as per the schedule to be set up in the Project Working Plan, and prepare the progress and final technical reports to be submitted to UNEP in coordination with the CONDESAN Coordination Unit

  • Supervise compliance with the terms agreed to in contracts for consultancy services and coordinate the drawing up of the pertinent reports with the consultants.

  • Select in coordination with the CONDESAN Coordination Unit the person who will fill the post of Assistant to the Project Coordinator and supervise his/her work.

  • Represent the Project in relevant international forums and networks.

  • Within the international context, perform all duties on the basis of a Trans-Andean stance of international cooperation, development of interactions and an equitable participation of stakeholders in the various locations, countries and regions.

  • Any and all other duties and activities arising from the nature of the job and in accordance with his/her professional qualities as Project Coordinator.


  • International experience, preferably in environmental sciences, with a broad working experience in environmental research projects, rural development and preservation of natural resources.

  • Technical abilities in facilitating participation processes and for the decision taking reached by consensus, as well as knowledge and experience in multi-institutional relations and team building.

  • Deep and updated knowledge based on experience regarding the situation of the Andean Paramos and their potential to foster rural development in local communities.

  • Proven working experience with international multidisciplinary and interinstitutional groups for the formulation and execution of international cooperation projects.

  • Experience in the management, coordination and administration of projects with international cooperation agencies.

  • Capacity to respond to the administration tasks required by the position.

  • Advanced knowledge of spoken and written Spanish and English.

  • Immediate availability to travel within the countries of the Andean Region and abroad.

  • Total dedication to the project (100% of his/her time).

CONDITIONS: This is a six-year project and the designation is planned for the same time period. The person designated as Project Coordinator will sign a Short-Term Contract with the International Potato Center (CIP); therefore, the coordination of the project will be conducted at the International Potato Center offices in the Santa Catalina Station, Quito , Ecuador .
The person designated as Project Coordinator will report to CONDESAN Coordination Unit, and have strong interaction with the UNEP-GEF task manager for this project .


Applicants should apply by email, sending a cover letter summarizing their relevance to this position, a full C.V. and the names and contact information of three referees knowledgeable about the candidate"s professional qualifications and work experience to Lilia Salinas at . The reference name of the position should be clearly marked on the subject line of the email message. Screening of applications will begin on 15 february 2006 and will continue until the post is filled.

All applications will be acknowledged; only short listed candidates will be contacted.

Learn more about CIP by accessing our web site at .

CIP is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified women and professionals from developing countries are particularly encouraged to apply

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Mountain Ranges: 

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