Programa Magister en Ciencias (M.Sc.) en Agronegocios Internacionales

Vendredi, 6 Octobre, 2006 - 00:00

Les alcanzamos información sobre la Programa M.Sc. en Agronegocios Internacionales que la Universidad de Talca - Chile en en colaboración con la Universidad de Gottingen y German Academic Exchange Service están llevando a cabo.

El público objetivo son estudiantes altamente calificados quienes deseen realizar un carrera en agronegocios internacionales con el sector privado o público, organizaciones de investigación o no-gubernamentales relacionadas al sector. Los postulantes deberán tener excelente promedio académico (B.Sc. o Diploma) y un buen manejo y conocimiento del idioma inglés

El requisito es tener grado de bachiller o equivalente en ciencias agrícolas, administración de negocios, economía, ciencias sociales, forestería, ciencias veterinarias, o industrias alimentarias.


Universidad de Talca - University of Göttingen - German Academic Exchange Service


A).- Applicants must fulfil the following requirements for admission to the M.Sc. program:

  • B.Sc. or Diploma degree from a university or equivalent institutions of higher education in any of the following subject areas: Agricultural Sciences, Economic Sciences, Social Sciences, Forestry Sciences, Veterinary Sciences, and Food and Nutrition Sciences. The B.Sc. or Diploma degree should have a good or excellent grade average.

  • Good working knowledge of English language. It is required that applicants submit a certificate of a TOEFL-test with a minimum of 500 points from a certified testing institution. However, the minimum of 500 points is only sufficient for a preliminary admission that is valid for the first semester at University of Talca. In order to continue the study program at Univ of Goettingen (second and third semester), students are required to pass a TOEFL test with a minimum of 550/213 points (following the old and new grading system, respectively). During the first semester, an intensive English language course is offered to interested students at Univ of Talca. In late July, students can take the TOEFL-test again. Only students with more than 550/213 points by July 31 will be admitted by Univ of Goettingen for the second and third semester.

  • Applicants submit a two-page proposal of their intended M.Sc. research (in English language)

  • The professional experience of the applicant will be a criteria for selection of candidates.

  • Applications for this program will be accepted until August 30. of each year. The application must contain the following documents:

    • i).- B.Sc. or Diploma Degree Certificate, including complete listing of names and grades of individual courses

    • ii).- Two letters of recommendation concerning the academic qualifications of the candidate. At least one of these letters must come from a scientist employed at the university at which the candidate received his or her degree.

    • iii).- An application letter in which the candidate highlights his or her motives and interests to enroll in the M.Sc. program with particular reference to how the applicant intends to use the M.Sc. degree for future professional career.

    • iv).- Full Curriculum Vitae (with date of birth, nationality and passport number other pin number), complete description of education and professional activities, plus a recent photograph.

    • v).- Original TOEFL-Certificate from a certified institution administering such tests (not older than one year)

    • vi).- A declaration by the applicant how he or she intends to finance living costs, travel and other expenses. In the declaration the applicant should state the source of finance (self-finance or scholarship from third party), and –if scholarship- the applicant should attach a letter of confirmation from the institution granting the scholarship.

    • vii).- Professional experience should be documented by letters of current or previous employers.

    • viii).- Valid email address of applicant.

In November of each year, the applications will be reviewed by the Academic Selection Committee of the two partner universities which is chaired by the Director of Programs. This committee will select the candidates who will be admitted to the M.Sc. Program.

B).- Applicants who wish to apply for a scholarship funded by the German Academic Exchange Service for this M.Sc. Program, a number of requirements in addition to those mentioned under A) need to be fulfilled:

  • i).- Professional experience (at least two years) to be documented by letters of employers

  • ii).- Original TOEFL-Certificate from a certified institution administering such tests (not older than one year), with a minimum of 550/213 points (following either the old or new grading system, respectively)

  • iii).- Maximum age is 32 years

  • iv) Filled out application form for DAAD-scholarship (to be downloaded at "Spanish version: Formulario de solicitud para los programas del DAAD" or "English version: Application for Research Grants and Study Scholarships").

  • v) Scholarships from DAAD for this program are only available for nationals of Latin American countries.

Only complete applications will be reviewed by the Academic Selection Committee of the Universities of Göttingen and Talca and a representative of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Applications for scholarship should be directed to University of Talca (for applicants from Latin America) and to University of Göttingen (for all other students).

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