Responsable de Comunicación en la sede del Consejo Mundial del Agua

Mardi, 24 Avril, 2007 - 00:00

El Consejo Mundial del Agua busca un Responsable de Comunicación quien se encargará del equipo de comunicación del Consejo y de todas las actividades de comunicación y promoción, incluyendo aquéllas relacionadas con el Foro Mundial del Agua.

El candidato deberá contar con excelentes habilidades en el ámbito de las relaciones interpersonales, de gestión y comunicación, un buen conocimiento sobre asuntos relacionados con el agua y el desarrollo sostenible, sólidos conocimientos y amplia experiencia en medios de comunicación a nivel internacional y experiencia práctica demostrable con tecnologías modernas de comunicación.

Las candidaturas deberán ser enviadas por email a Melanie Girad.

Communication Manager

In its effort to contribute to the advancement of water issues, the World Water Council strives to act as a facilitator for identifying, openly debating and raising awareness on these issues. It also endeavours to convince politicians of the urgency for action. For this purpose, it organises platforms at the global, regional and national levels, emphasizing interactions among all stakeholders, both inside and outside the water sector, from the highest decision-making level to the grass-roots level. It is also for this reason that the World Water Council created the World Water Forum, which is held once every three years in a different host country.

Job Description : Based in Marseilles, France, the Communications Manager will be in charge of the Council"s communication team and overall communication and promotional activities, including those related to the World Water Forum.

Responsabilities :

  • Co-ordinate all of the Council"s communications activities, including those related to the World Water Forum;
  • Engage with World Water Council member organizations, external partners and professional associations to further communication on water issues and solutions;
  • Further develop, design and implement an integrated information, knowledge and communications system to ensure efficient knowledge sharing and to promote general education of key issues amongst World Water Council member organisations and toward key target audiences; 
  • Build and maintain relations with key international media to raise the World Water Council"s global media presence and the profile of water issues and solutions;
  • Strengthen the World Water Council"s positioning and corporate branding through an effective marketing approach and create a dynamic and appealing public image in all communications;
  • Produce, market and distribute communication products and ensure their continued high quality and accessibility for a wide audience;
  • Coordinate and develop materials to support funding search and membership outreach activities and actively engage in these activities, oriented especially around the World Water Council"s projects and operations and the World Water Forum;
  • Ensure the regular evaluation of results, outcomes and impacts of the Word Water Council"s communications efforts;
  • Effectively and efficiently manage a small team of communicators based in the WWC-Headquarters;
  • Develop and manage the World Water Council communications work plan and budget.

Job Profile

The Communications Manager has strong interpersonal, management and communications skills, and is knowledgeable about issues concerning water and sustainable development. The successful candidate has superior knowledge of and experience in working with international media and has demonstrable hands-on experience with modern communication technologies.

The position requires an advanced degree in communications, external relations, or a related field. The candidate should have a minimum of 8 years of experience in external relations and technical communications, preferably working with expert networks and/or international organisations. He/she should have a creative and flexible personality and should be an effective manager able to lead a small team and represent the World Water Council before a broad range of constituencies.

Other requirements include:

  • Strong organizational, networking and team-building skills;
  • Superior analytical, writing and modern communications skills; 
  • Mastery of French and English with good knowledge of Spanish and/or Turkish being an asset.

To apply send your application by email to Melanie Giard

Work regions: 
Mountain Ranges: 

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