Rosenberg International Forum on Water Policy e-Discussion

Jeudi, 13 Juillet, 2006 - 00:00

Estimados Coleg@s,

En setiembre 2006, se llevará a cabo en el Banff Centre (Banff, Canadá) el Rosenberg International Forum on Water Policy , que tendrá como tema central: el manejo de las tierras altas en la cuencas (Managing Upland Watersheds).

El Rosenberg Forum es por invitación, con un muy pequeño grupo de asistentes. Sin embargo, el Banff Centre quisiera invitar a todos los interesados a una discusión en línea que se llevará a cabo del 31 de Julio al 28 de Agosto, lo que permitirá que sus contribuciones sobre los temas que se plantean mas adelante, puedan ser alcanzados al Grupo de Rosenberg.

Para mayor información sobre el Rosenberg International Forum on Water Policy e-Discussion los invitamos a leer la nota ajunta (en inglés). Si desea saber mas sobre el Rosenberg International Forum, visite la web:

Saludos cordiales,

CONDESAN - InfoAndinaNodo Regional para América Latina del Mountain Forum

Rosenberg International Forum on Water Policy e-Discussion


Rosenberg Water Policy E-Discussion
July 31 - August 28, 2006
On Mountain Forum"s [mf-ec] discussion list.


The following have kindly agreed to act as guest moderators for this e-discussion:  Dr. Lorne Taylor - former Minister of Environment for the Government of Alberta Bob Halliday - consulting engineer, Halliday and Associates representing Partners FOR the Saskatchewan River Basin


  • explore three specific sub-themes relevant to the Rosenberg theme

  • share information and experiences related to managing upland watersheds

  • identify specific lessons learned and promising strategies

  • invite recommendations and/or case study summaries


To participate, subscribe to the ROSENBERG WATER POLICY E-DISCUSSION by sending a blank email message with the word "Rosenberg" in the subject line to:
We recommend that you dedicate a minimum of one half hour / day to reading messages and a minimum of one hour / week to contribute a comment each week to the discussion. Case studies and papers are welcome.


AUGUST 4   Planning for Climate Change, Locally                  
AUGUST 11  Managing Across Multiple Jurisdictions AUGUST 18  Regional Strategic Planning:  Alberta"s Water for Life

Please send attachments directly to Email comments will be accepted throughout the event.

AGENDA The Rosenberg Water Policy e-discussion will take place over four weeks, from July 31 to August 28.

The first week will be dedicated to introductions

For each of the subsequent three weeks, a distinguished guest moderator will introduce a weekly theme, along with a number of possible questions to address. Please feel free to improvise within these themes. A summary of the discussion will be shared with all conference participants after the close of the event.

  • July 31-Aug. 6: Introductions

  • August 7-13: Planning for Climate Change, Regionally
    In managing upland watersheds, it is possible to anticipate global climate change in a general way. However, there are scientific uncertainties about the specific local impacts of climate change on precipitation, run-off and other important variables in different locations. What prudent steps can be taken to account for global change in planning for the management of watersheds? Are there specific investments that should be made?
    What sorts of information from scientific research would be most helpful in understanding the local and regional impacts of climate change?

  • August 14-20 : Managing Across Multiple Jurisdictions
    The Saskatchewan River flows through three Canadian provinces. The management of the river is governed by treaties and codified policies between three Canadian Provinces. Each Province has it own unique patterns of water needs and those needs are expected to intensify in the coming decades. In the face of these intensifying needs do you believe that the Saskatchewan River could be better managed by a River Basin Commission or some other basin-wide institution? Are there other successful examples that would support this approach, or would provide a better approach?

  • August 21-27: Regional Strategic Planning: Alberta"s Water for Life
    Alberta"s Water for Life is an effort, unique and unprecedented in Canada, to develop a strategic plan for the management of water resources on a Provincial basis in Alberta. What are the strengths and weaknesses of Water for Life? How might it be improved? What are other provinces, states and regions around the world doing that could provide a model for improvements in this strategy? What are the most significant barriers to implementing these large-area plans over the short term? The long-term? More about Alberta"s Water for Life program is available here:

  • August 28: Closing Announcements

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