Tourism Cares for Tomorrow - Programa Mundial de Donaciones 2006

Vendredi, 17 Février, 2006 - 00:00

Estimados Coleg@s,

Adjuntamos información correspondiente al Programa Mundial de Donaciones de Tourism Cares for Tomorrow. Este programa apoya importantes iniciativas relacionadas con el turismo realizado por parte de organizaciones sin fines de lucro, con responsabilidad social y ambiental que involucren el manejo del patrimonio histórico y cultural de la humanidad así como de los recursos naturales del planeta. Los proyectos deben mantener una relación de estrecha colaboración con las poblaciones locales y fortalecer sus vínculos con las personas foráneas, educando ambos grupos en el mutuo respeto.

Los plazos para las aplicaciones se cierran los días 1 de marzo, 30 de junio y 1 de noviembre de 2006.


José Collazos
Nodo Regional para América Latina del Mountain Forum

Tourism Cares for Tomorrow Announces 2006 Worldwide Grant Programs

Deadlines: March 1, June 30, November 1, the tourism industry"s nonprofit organization, exists to preserve, conserve, and promote the responsible use of our world"s natural, cultural, and historic treasures and to support education and research to help secure the positive future of travel and tourism worldwide.

As part of its mission, Tourism Cares for Tomorrow distributes charitable grants to worthy tourism-related nonprofit organizations worldwide.

Tourism Cares for Tomorrow considers projects or programs with either or both of the following goals:

1) Projects that protect, restore, or conserve sites of exceptional cultural, historic, or natural significance; and

2) Programs that educate local host communities and the traveling public about conservation and preservation of sites. Preference will be given to applicants that are able to leverage Tourism Cares for Tomorrow"s grant funding to provide increased philanthropic support through vehicles such as matching grants or challenge grants; are endorsed by the local, regional, or national tourism office; and demonstrate strong support from the local community.

Tourism Cares for Tomorrow"s grantmaking goals for
2006 call for a balanced distribution to U.S. and non-U.S. recipients. Grant recipients must be classified as nonprofit and tax-exempt under section
of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code or, in the case of non-U.S. organizations, must function as the equivalent. Historically, grant amounts have ranged between $10,000 and $20,000. However, based on merit and availability of funds, some grants of up to $100,000 will also be considered.

(Please Note: The 2006 grant application cycles have changed to every four months rather than quarterly, as they were in 2005.)

Visit the Tourism Cares for Tomorrow Web Site for complete program information and application procedures.

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