United Nations Development Programme. International Poverty Centre

The UNDP International Poverty Centre (IPC) is one more step in bringing knowledge services closer to UNDP partners around the world. It joins the Governance Centre (Oslo, Norway) and the Drylands Development Centre (Nairobi, Kenya) as part of UNDP"s effort to decentralize its key practice areas and build up substantive capacity for policy analysis and implementation in the field.
From its base in Brazil, the centre will work jointly with the country"s principal economic policy institute, IPEA. This strategic partnership will serve to make IPC a hub linking poverty expertise from within and outside the organization. At the UNDP, the centre will synchronize its efforts with the Bureau of Development Policy, BDP, to develop and further poverty programming.
Such a cooperative network will facilitate the learning and exchange of good development and policy practices among developing countries on poverty issues, forming a global research community of experts, networks, and institutions.

IPC will carry out these objectives through:
• The development of poverty analysis courses targeted at enhancing the capacity of UNDP staff and government officials who are involved in poverty monitoring.
• The holding of lectures and workshops to stimulate debates on policies related to poverty reduction.
• The establishment of formal cooperative agreements with global institutions and centres from developing countries to engage in joint work with IPC.
• The launch of a working paper series and policy bulletin to share current and cutting-edge poverty research.
• The creation of a resident fellowship program for UNDP staff and government officials from developing countries at IPC.
• The annual hosting of a recognized international scholar at the centre (for a period of one to three months).
• The development of an internship program for new graduates and PhD students to conduct poverty research, which is particularly dedicated to bringing young talent from developing countries to the centre.

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