IFS y CGIAR lanzan convocatoria para jovenes investigadores

Vendredi, 29 Avril, 2005 - 00:00

Estimados colegas y estudiantes,

Me complace informarles que The International Fundation Science (IFS) y The CGIAR Challenge program Water & Food (CPWF), está convocando a jóvenes investigadores que deseen desarrollar y financiar sus proyectos de investigación. La fecha límite para presentar sus aplicaciones es el 30 de Junio.

Para conocer las áreas de investigación que pueden postular y tener mayor información, sírvase revisar la información adjunta. También puede visitar la web : http://www.waterforfood.org/ConceptNotes/


Ruth Hidalgo
C O N D E S A N - InfoAndina
Nodo Latinoamericano para el Foro de Montañas
E-mail: infoandina@cgiar.org
Web: www.condesan.org


Special Call for Research on Water & Food

Application Deadline: 30 June, 2005

The International Foundation for Science (IFS) and the CGIAR Challenge Program on Water & Food (CPWF) are pleased to issue a call for research proposals open to young scientists.

What kind of research is eligible

Research themes should focus on at least one of five areas:

  • Crop Water Productivity Improvement

  • Water and People in Catchments

  • Aquatic Ecosystems and Fisheries

  • Integrated Basin Water Management Systems

  • The Global and National Food and Water System

Applicants are strongly urged to focus their research on one or more of the CPWF"s Benchmark River Basins. Priority will be given to applications that provide such focus . The river basins are as follows:

  • Andean system of basins

  • Indo Gangetic basin

  • Limpopo basin

  • Mekong basin

  • Nile basin

  • Volta basin

  • Yellow River Basin

  • Karkheh

  • Sao Francisco

Examples of research within these themes are described on the CPWF website: www.waterforfood.org where summaries of approved research projects are provided. Attention should also be paid to the CPWF"s research priorities, which are also outlined on the same website. Applicants can develop proposals that compliment funded CPWF projects, or else seek to address a specific CPWF research priority area.

Applicants should endeavour to structure their applications to contribute to on-going research and project work in the CP basins. Assistance and guidance in these regards may be obtained from basin coordinators, theme leaders and/or project leaders whose contact details are available on the CPWF website .

Who can apply

Researchers in developing countries who satisfy the IFS eligibility criteria (below) and who are doing research in the above mentioned areas.

Eligibility criteria:

An eligible candidate for an IFS Research grant is:

  • A citizen of a developing country (see list of IFS-defined developing countries at www.ifs.se ).

  • A citizen of a developing country (see list of IFS-defined developing countries at www.ifs.se ).

  • A scientist with at least a Master"s or equivalent degree/research experience.

  • Under 40 years of age and at the beginning of research career.

  • Attached to a university, National Research Institution or a research-oriented NGO in a developing country.


  • China: Chinese applicants must be under 30 years of age.

  • Researchers from Hong Kong SAR are not eligible for support from IFS.

  • Researchers from Sub-Saharan Africa are eligible for IFS support up to the age of 45, provided they have completed their highest academic degree (MSc, MA, PhD, Post-Doc or equivalent) in the previous 5 years.

How to apply

Follow the instructions for applying for an IFS grant (http://www.ifs.se/Forms/how_to_apply.asp). When submitting an application, please state clearly in your e-mail that you are applying under the “IFS-CPWF Water & Food initiative"”. Please note, the application form should be submitted to water.food@ifs.se

What does the grant include

Research grants are awarded up to a maximum value of USD 12,000 for a period of one to three years. The grants, which can be renewed twice, are intended for the purchase of scientific equipment, expendable supplies and literature, to arrange field activities, etc. The grant does not include a salary. Grantees are supposed to be salaried by, or have a stipend from, the university where the research project will be conducted.

The grant will also include mentorship and guidance on theme, basin and project from theme leaders, basin coordinators and project leaders. Applicants will be able to identify from whom they wish to receive mentoring following consultation with the individual(s) concerned.

About the sponsors

For more information about the CGIAR Challenge Program on Water & Food you are referred to the website www.waterforfood.org

The CGIAR Challenge Program on Water & Food is an ambitious research, extension and capacity building program that aims to significantly increase the productivity of water used for agriculture. The research programme of the CPWF is spread over five key theme areas and nine river basins distributed across the world. Following its first call, 50 research projects were approved, half of which have received funding. In addition, synthesis research is being carried out by theme leaders and basin coordinators aimed at assimilating basin and theme-relevant data and information with a view to providing a comprehensive understanding of the issues confronting water use and food production in the developing world.

CGIAR Challenge Program

Work regions: 
Mountain Ranges: 

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