CIP busca: ' Leader of the Agriculture and Human Health Division "

Vendredi, 19 Août, 2005 - 00:00

Estimados colegas,

Actualmente estamos buscando cubrir la posición de: "Leader of the Research Division on Agriculture and Human Health". La información del puesto se encuentra adjunta a este <> mensaje.

Apreciaremos su ayuda en la difusión de esta convocatoria, o en hacerla extensiva a las personas interesadas o a aquellas que ustedes consideren calificadas para ocupar esta posición.

Saludos cordiales,

Charles C. Crissman

Deputy Director General for Research
International Potato Center (CIP)
CIP is a Future Harvest Center supported by the CGIAR

Leader of the Agriculture and Human Health Division

The International Potato Center (CIP) is seeking a scientist to lead our newly established Agriculture and Human Health Division. The candidate should be committed to using health, agricultural and nutritional science to generate relevant technology, evidence-based practice and policy recommendations to address malnutrition and poverty in developing countries. CIP seeks diversity and gender balance in its staff. Women and citizens of developing countries are particularly urged to apply.

The Center: CIP is a not-for-profit international agricultural research organization with a global mandate to conduct research on potatoes and sweetpotatoes, sustainable management of natural resources and urban agriculture. CIP"s vision is to contribute from its areas of expertise to the fulfillment of the Millennium Development Goals, in particular those goals that relate to poverty, hunger, child and maternal mortality, and sustainable development in rural and urban systems. CIP has its headquarters in Lima, Peru with staff and activities in locations across Africa, Asia and Latin America. CIP is a member of the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research, a network of 15 research centers mostly located in the developing world and supported by more than 60 donor members.

The Division: CIP has created a new Research Division that seeks to address the linkages between agriculture and human health. The Center recognizes that agriculture can contribute both positively and negatively to human health. CIP has considerable experience in agriculture-related health research through evaluating occupational safety and environmental impacts of pesticide use; food safety of waste water use in urban agriculture; nutritional benefits of consuming beta-carotene rich sweetpotato; and research on potential nutritional and health-enhancing attributes of potato and traditional Andean tubers genetic resources. The Center wishes to consolidate these experiences and enhance its contributions in the field. In its recent vision document, CIP declared its intention to contribute significantly to the Millennium Development Goals for reducing child and maternal mortality.

The position: CIP seeks an accomplished scientist as Division Leader to head this new Research Division. The holder of this challenging position will be a true pioneer as a health science professional employed in an agricultural research institute. The Leader will have primary responsibility for providing scientific direction for CIP in the new Division, including developing the strategies for research, development impact, resource mobilization and partnering. The Leader will work closely with the Center"s global partners in planning and coordinating the Division"s research. He/She will be a member of CIP"s research and management team, contributing to the strategies and direction of CIP"s overall research program, and representing the Center in a variety of research, investor and partner forums. The position reports to the Deputy Director General-Research and will be based at CIPs headquarters in Lima, Peru with frequent international travel.

The successful candidate will:


Be an accomplished and innovative researcher who has strong research management experience;

Have a PhD in public health, nutrition, epidemiology or a related field and at least 5 years experience, including global health research;

Have demonstrated success in managing multi-disciplinary teams and partnerships and attracting substantial research funding.

Cross-disciplinary skills are encouraged (including economics and management). Systems analysis is the paradigm of choice to capture direct and indirect impacts of science and technology on health. Gender mainstreaming of agricultural technologies will be a cross-cutting theme in research design, as will participatory models involving rural and urban communities in design, implementation and evaluation of research.

We are looking for an individual confident in his or her disciplinary setting, who can reach out to agricultural scientists and build innovative teams that cross these disciplines. The Leader should be able to articulate a vision for CIP"s activities relating agriculture and human health; liaise with CIP"s other science leaders at headquarters and in other regions; possess excellent management and collaboration skills; be committed to working in a multi-partner, multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural environment; and be able to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Fluency in English is required and other languages are an asset.

Conditions: The employment contract will be for an initial three-year term with the possibility of renewal. Salary is internationally competitive and paid in US dollars. CIP provides excellent benefits including employer-paid medical, life and disability insurance and retirement benefits. Generous allowances toward relocation, housing, home leave travel, dependents" education and annual leave are also provided. CIP prides itself on its collegial and supportive working environment, which allows space for personal and professional growth.

Applications: Applicants should apply by email, sending a cover letter summarizing their relevance to this position, a full C.V. and the names and contact information of three referees knowledgeable about the candidate"s professional qualifications and work experience to Lilia Salinas at . The reference name of the position should be clearly marked on the subject line of the email message. Screening of applications will begin on 30 September 2005 and will continue until the post is filled.

All applications will be acknowledged; only short listed candidates will be contacted.

Learn more about CIP by accessing our web site at .

CIP is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified women and professionals from developing countries are particularly encouraged to apply

El Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecorregión Andina (CONDESAN)realiza y facilita acciones concertadas en investigación,
capacitación, desarrollo e iniciativas de políticas para el avance socioeconómico sostenible, a fin de contribuir a la equidad y bienestar
de la población de la ecorregión andina y a la conservación de los recursos naturales.
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