IV Foro Mundial del Agua - Mexico 2006

Mardi, 13 Décembre, 2005 - 00:00

Queridos Amigos Amantes del Agua:

Estamos complacidos de anunciar que el concurso periodístico para ganar un viaje gratis al IV FORO MUNDIAL DEL AGUA - MEXICO 2006, está abierto a partir de hoy, para para sumisión..

La información necesaria para su participación, asi como el formulario de inscripción, pueden ser obtenidos via e-mail contactándose con Stephanie Porro (medianetwork@worldwatercouncil.org) o por teléfono al (0) 491 994100, en Francia. Si desea, revise la web del evento para mayores detalles: http://www.worldwaterforum4.org.mx/.

Quedamos a la espera de sus subscripciones y les deseamos mucha suerte!

Stephanie Porro
Water Media Network
World Water Council
Ph : (0) 4 91 99 41 00
Fax : (0) 4 91 99 41 01
E-mail : medianetwork@worldwatercouncil.org


Open competition for a free trip to 4th World Water Forum in Mexico
March 16 - 22, 2006
Mexico City



Unique opportunity for journalists to win a free trip to attend the 4th World Water Forum in Mexico December 1, 2005 - Within the framework of their Water Media Programme, the World Water Council and the Secretariat of the 4th World Water Forum are launching a contest for journalists to win a free trip to attend the upcoming World Water Forum on March 16-22, 2006, in Mexico City. The World Water Forum is the world"s largest multi -stakeholder platform in the water sector, where thousands of water experts, decisionmakers, government officials and civil society representatives meet, debate and develop solutions to address the growing water crisis. The objective of the Water Media Program is to foster coverage of water issues while improving transparency of policies and reforms and increasing public awareness. The program features training activities and field visits with the objective of building journalist capacities to report accurately on water-related issues.

Winners of this contest will receive an all-expense-paid trip to Mexico including airfare, accommodations and daily per diem. During an entire week, they will enjoy the benefits of working in a highly promoted international event, where they will be given extensive exposure and the opportunity to exchange with peers. The contest is open to journalists from the following types of media :

* Print and Internet: Reporters must submit an article published in a newspaper, magazine or on an Internet site;
* Radio Programs: Journalists must submit a recording of a radio program, including news, features or drama programming;
* TV News / Features: Journalists must submit a 5- to 60-minute feature or news story, either on tape, or in script format.

Winners will be selected based on various criteria, including accuracy, initiative, originality, clarity of interpretation and value in fostering an improved understanding of policy issues, as well as an increased awareness of water-related challenges encountered at the local level.


Entry form to be completed and sent with each submission, to: Stephanie Porro, World Water Council, Espace Gaymard, 2-4 Place d"Arvieux, 13002 Marseille, France or via email at medianetwork@worldwatercouncil.org. (Kindly type or print very clearly)

Name: _________________________________________________________________

Name of the medium/media which you work for:_______________________________________________________

Name of the medium in which this item was published/featured: __________________________________________

Date on which it was published/featured: ____________________________________________________________

Circulation: _________________________________________________________________

(Number of viewers/readers)

Are you a member of the Water Media Network? (Please circle one): YES ( ___ ) NO ( ____ )

City and country, which you live in: _________________________________

E-mail: ______________________________________

Phone: __________________________________________

Category: (Please circle one)
- Stories Print/Internet
- Radio Program
- Television News/Feature

Stories should correspond to the main theme of the 4th World Water Forum: "Local actions for a global challenge" and relate to one or several sub-themes and/or cross-cutting perspectives of the Forum. Please circle the relevant one(s): (For details on the following themes and cross-cutting perspectives, you may

Framework Themes:

1. Water for Growth and Development
2. Implementing Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)
3. Water Supply and Sanitation for All
4. 4. Water Management for Food and the Environment

5. 5. Risk Management

1. All entries must be received by December 30th in care of Stephanie Porro, World Water Council, Espace Gaymard, 2-4 Place d"Arvieux, 13002 Marseille, France or via email at medianetwork@worldwatercouncil.org

2. All slide, video, and print entries must be labeled with your name, organization, and category.

3. Print articles should be sent electronically or by hard copy and should be in published format including the date and a copy of the masthead. (If non-published format is not available, it may be accompanied by a letter from the editor indicating the date it was run or published).

4. Documentaries/films and television features should be sent in NTSC, PAL, SECAM format and labeled on the tape cartridge and tape ease with the entrants name, address, telephone number and length of tape. Video entries will not be returned.

5. Radio programs should be sent on standard cassette tapes or via e-mail in mpeg format at medianetwork@worldwatercouncil.org

6. Web articles should be sent electronically or by hard copy.

7. If stories are not submitted in the above format they are not eligible for the competition.

I have read, understand and have followed all the criteria and entry guidelines for this competition.

Date: ___________________________


Cross-cutting perspectives

A. New Models for Financing Local Water Initiatives
B. Institutional Development and Political Processes
C. Capacity-building and Social Learning
D. Application of Science, Technology and Knowledge
E. Targeting, Monitoring and Implementation Assessment

El Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecorregión Andina (CONDESAN) realiza y facilita acciones concertadas en investigación, capacitación, desarrollo e iniciativas de políticas para el avance socioeconómico sostenible, a fin de contribuir a la equidad y bienestar de la población de la ecorregión andina y a la conservación de los recursos naturales. www.condesan.org
Av. La Molina 1895. La Molina - Perú - tel. 511 3496017 / fax 511 3175326

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