Curso "Alternativas Ecologicas en Sanidad"-Inscripciones

Mercredi, 1 Février, 2006 - 00:00

Estimados Coleg@s,

Han abierto las inscripciones para el curso "Alternativas Ecológicas en Sanidad" que tiene como fecha final de aplicación el 1 de abril del 2006. El objetivo principal es el de compartir información y conocimientos sobre las nuevas alternativas en sanidad en apoyo a los habitantes urbanos en la reducción de riegos ambientales de salud, en la mejora de la situacion nutricional de los mismos y en la protección del agua y otros recursos ambientales.


Musuq Briceño
Oficial de Información
Nodo Regional para América Latina del Mountain Forum

Ecological Alternatives in SanitationTraining 2006/07

Dear Colleague,

The 2006/07 edition of the Advanced International Training Programme entitled Ecological Alternatives in Sanitation is now available at the website of the EcoSanRes Programme ( ). Deadline for application is 1 April 2006 .

It is of great importance that information about this training opportunity in regard to ecological sanitation is circulated through many channels. Your assistance in doing so is much appreciated. For convenience, please find attached a Summary of the Training Programme, the Brochure and the Application form, which should be completed electronically. In the event you are qualified yourself you should also apply.


  • Water and nutrient cycles in time and space and related routes of contamination

  • Management options for improved urban sanitation and ways to safely utilise nutrients in human excreta as a resource in urban agriculture

  • Risk assessment, incl. hygiene in handling sanitized urine and faecal matter, and residents" and professionals" attitudes and norms concerning such risk

  • Environmental benefits and costs of ecological sanitation systems compared with other technical alternatives

  • Exchange of experiences of household efforts to improve well-being through safe excreta disposal and protection of ground water

  • Skills training in social inquiry


Professionals engaged in town planning, sanitation, water supply, waste management, and socio-economic development. Researchers, trainers and key staff of NGOs working on projects related to improved sanitation and water supply. Total number of participants is 32.


  • LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela

  • ASIA: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, DPRK Korea, Laos, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, The Philippines, Sri Lanka, Syria, Thailand and Vietnam


Thank you in advance,

Cecilia Ruben
Programme Development Manager, SEI 
Tel: +46 8 412 14 16
Cell: +46 (0)70 669 75 56

Stockholm Environment Institute Box 2142, S - 103 14 Stockholm , Sweden
Fax: +46 8 723 03 48

Work regions: 
Mountain Ranges: 

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