Convocatoria al International Forum on Water and Food

Vendredi, 26 Mai, 2006 - 00:00


Estimados Coleg@s,

Adjuntamos información correspondiente a la Convocatoria al International Forum on Water and Food, evento organizado por el CGIAR Challenge Programme on Water and Food (CPWF), el cual se llevará a cabo del 12 al 17 de noviembre de 2006.

Si desea descargar el documento completo de descripción del evento y la covocatoria para abstracts [pdf 124Kb] hacer click aquí (Inglés solamente)


Nodo Regional para América Latina del Mountain Forum

CGIAR - Challange Program on Water and Food

International Forum on Water and Food

The Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF) announces the International Forum on Water and Food, to be held in Vientiane, Lao PDR from November 12 – 17, 2006, hosted by the Mekong River Commission (MRC), and invites the submission of abstracts. Potential participants should note that this event is a Forum and is designed as a medium for discussion and debate, rather than the presentation of papers. Discussions will be based on a series of short policy briefs drawn from paper submissions. In addition, the best papers from the Forum will published in special editions of formal, formal, peer reviewed journals, and there will be an opportunity to present posters. Papers submitted and accepted by the Forum will comprise part of the Forum’s knowledge pool, and will yield the questions that each of the Forum’s sessions will debate. All submissions to the Forum will go through a review process (see the call for abstracts for a description of this process).

The CPWF is arranged around five thematic areas which guide its research work; and a geographical focus on nine benchmark river basins distributed across the developing world.

The Forum falls about half-way through the first phase of the CPWF and represents a stock-take of where the Program is and where it is heading, bringing together what has so far been learned and then working this knowledge to direct the Program into the remainder of its first phase and beyond. A key part of the CPWF’s work is synthesis, a process in which different strands of research are brought together to yield clearly defined areas where policy and development investments and focus will yield positive impact in the field of agricultural water productivity. This Forum builds on synthesis work carried out so far under the Program, debates this knowledge, and extends it into the future.

The CPWF draws on the work of the Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture (CA), which will deliver its findings at the World Water Week in Stockholm in August 2006. The CA represents a baseline on the state of knowledge in the field of water productivity in agriculture. The CPWF aims to project beyond this baseline, understanding its relevance to its benchmark basins; and developing this knowledge further to identify through research new opportunities for innovation, policy change, and development.

Further information:
Work regions: 
Mountain Ranges: 

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