Segunda Convocatoria de Perfiles de Proyectos del CPWF

Lundi, 29 Mai, 2006 - 00:00

Adjuntamos información correspondiente a la Segunda Convocatoria de Perfiles de Proyectos del Challange Program on Water and Food. Aún cuando la fecha límite para el envío de los perfiles de proyecto es el 17 de Julio a las 23:59 GMT, el CPWF solicita que se envíen expresiones de interés para el 15 de Junio. Las expresiones de interés deben explicitar que prioridad temática se va a abordar.


Nodo Regional para América Latina del Mountain Forum

Second Call for Concepts Notes

Fecha límite: 17 de Julio 2006 (23:59 GMT)


The CPWF calls for concept notes that promise high quality scientific results and sound impact potential to add to our knowledge base in six priority areas. These priorities were selected based on a rigorous process within the CPWF and the Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture (CA), and on the advice of the CPWF Expert Panel on scientific quality. Finally, the CPWF Consortium Steering Committee discussed and approved the priorities based on both their complementarity with the CPWF scientific mandate and likely availability of funding. This call is therefore designed to ensure coherent outputs of the first CPWF phase.

The CPWF Consortium Steering Committee has authorized a minimum of US$4 million for this call.  Projects must be efficient in their proposed use of funds. Budget requests lower than the maximum of US$500,000 for each proposal will be favorably viewed. Projects are sought that are able to deliver meaningful results over a two year period to December 2008, which is the completion date of the current phase of CPWF activities. The CPWF intends to select at least one project for each of the six priorities as far as the quality of submissions allows.


§          Research on groundwater and poverty reduction to address the circumstances under which access to groundwater significantly improves livelihoods vis-à-vis access to surface water alone.

§          Research on the political drivers of success in water rights and allocations among users and uses within countries.

§          Research to quantify livestock use of, and impact on, water resources in diverse production systems.

§          Valuation of aquatic ecosystem goods and services as a contribution to improved water policy.

§          Research-based approaches that prevent or mitigate land and water degradation under high population density and improve small-scale agricultural livelihoods

§          Development of alternative policies and methodologies for enhancing fisheries management as a means to improve water productivity.

Required documents:

Estimados Coleg@s,

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