Contribución sobre Instituciones y Políticas para el Desarrollo de Montañas para la revista MRD

Jeudi, 27 Juillet, 2006 - 00:00

Estimados Coleg@s,

El equipo editor de la Revista Mountain Research and Development (MRD ) , líder internacional sobre desarrollo en montañas, está planeando lanzar un número sobre "Instituciones y Políticas para el Desarrollo de Montañas" (MRD Vol 27 No 1, February 2007), para lo cual convoca a aquellos interesados en contribuir con un artículo para la Sección sobre Desarrollo - las 28 primeras páginas - considerando adjuntar ilustraciones de buena resolución , direcciones de profesionales, investigadores y actores políticos.

Tienen hasta el 15 de agosto (revisar DEADLINES) para enviar el resúmen de su artículo. Para mayor información sobre la revista en general, ingrese a la siguiente dirección web: .


CONDESAN - InfoAndinaNodo Regional para América Latina del Mountain Forum

Call for papers for the Development Section of MRD

"If the misery of our poor be caused not by the laws of nature, but by our institutions, great is our sin."
Charles Darwin

Call for Papers:

Mountain Research and Development (MRD), a leading international journal that features key development-related research on mountains, is planning an issue on "Institutions and Policies for Mountain Development" (MRD Vol 27 No 1, February 2007).
We are currently seeking contributions for the Development Section - the first 28 pages of the journal - which illustrates the theme of the issue with articles accompanied by color illustrations, addressing a broad audience of practitioners, researchers, and policy and decision-makers.


An objective of the International Year of Mountains 2002 was to "...ensure present and future well-being of mountain communities by promoting conservation and sustainable development in mountain areas." Fulfillment of this objective requires sustainable institutional development and arrangements at the local, national, regional and international levels.

Five years after the IYM, which boosted social and political negotiations in favor of sustainable mountain development and fostered institutional arrangements, MRD would like to reflect on experiences made since the UN year and present innovative, successful initiatives but also learn from failures.
The MRD Editorial Team has identified the following topics of interest to its readership. This is not a comprehensive list, of course, and suggestions for further topics are welcome. The main focus of papers should be on innovative development approaches, significant project experiences, novel policy efforts, etc.

  • New types of territorial community organizations or user associations

  • Successful customary arrangements as learning ground

  • Platforms for cross-sectorial negotiations and development of integrative capacity

  • International and national legal frameworks

  • Regional conventions, regional cooperation arrangements

  • Mountain partnerships and advocacy organizations

In this context, we understand institutions as social structures, social mechanisms, or cooperation governing the behavior of several individuals, communities or countries. Institutions can be established laws, customs, usages, practices, organizations, or other elements in the political or social life of a people; they can also be regulative principles or conventions subservient to the needs of society.


Papers must be submitted in English and written in an engaging non-technical style, illustrated by attractive color photos and other forms of illustration. Papers in the Development Section of MRD are not peer-reviewed. Length: 3-4 pages in print, i.e. 10,000 - 14,000 characters, including spaces.


If you are interested in submitting a paper for the Development Section on one of the above topics (or another, related topic), please send us a notice of intent as soon as possible, and an abstract outlining your approach and the main statements by 15 August 2006. The Editorial Team will inform all those who have submitted a proposal will receive at the latest by 31 August 2006.

The final version, together with all figures, must be submitted to the Editorial Office by 15 October 2006.

Should you have questions or suggestions, please send them to the MRD Editorial Team, c/o . We will be happy to provide additional information about this important theme for mountain development. For more information on the journal in general, please consult our web site: .

We look forward to receiving your contribution to this issue!

Theodore Wachs PhD
Managing Editor
MRD Editorial Office
Centre for Development and Environment
Institute of Geography
Steigerhubelstrasse 3
CH-3008 Berne

Work regions: 
Mountain Ranges: 

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