Convocatoria para cubrir la plaza de Coordinador de CONDESAN

Jeudi, 17 Août, 2006 - 00:00

Estimados Coleg@s,

El Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecorregión Andina anuncia que se ha abierto la posición de Coordinador de CONDESAN . El nuevo Coordinador deberá dirigir la implementación de la Carta de Navegación de CONDESAN (CdN: ) y trabajar para mantener el diálogo, la colaboración y la cooperación entre los socios; facilitar el trabajo de los diferentes componentes del Consorcio (Iniciativas CONDESAN, Comité Técnico y Consejo Directivo) y la adecuada comunicación entre ellos; trabajar para el logro de los objetivos de los diferentes proyectos que se llevan a cabo, manteniendo rigurosos estándares de calidad; asegurar el financiamiento de CONDESAN y el requerimiento de los proyectos para la implementación de la CdN; coordinar CONDESAN en concordancia con los estándares y procedimientos del Centro Internacional de la Papa - CIP y el mandato del Consejo Directivo; y fortalecer las relaciones de colaboración entre CONDESAN y otros prrogramas y proyectos del CGIAR, especialmente con el CIP y el CIAT.

Los interesados en postular a esta plaza deberán cumplir con los requisitos que se mencionan mas abajo y enviar sus documentos via email a Lilia Salinas a: .

Todos los que formamos esta gran familia CONDESAN, queremos agradecer de manera muy especial al Dr. Héctor Cisneros, actual Coordinador del Consorcio, por el incansable rol que ha desempeñado hasta la fecha y por lo logros obtenidos en su liderazgo. El ha sido una pieza clave en el nuevo panorama que se viene para CONDESAN y desde aca, le queremos desear muchos éxitos futuros.


CONDESAN - InfoAndinaNodo Regional para América Latina del Mountain Forum

International Potato Center POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT

CONDESAN Coordinator

The International Potato Center (CIP) is seeking a Coordinator for the Consortium for the Sustainable Development of the Andean Ecoregion (CONDESAN). CIP seeks diversity and gender balance in its staff. Women and citizens of developing countries are particularly urged to apply.

The CENTER: CIP is a not-for-profit international agricultural research organization with a global mandate to conduct research on potatoes and sweetpotatoes, sustainable management of natural resources and urban agriculture. CIP"s vision is to contribute from its areas of expertise to the fulfillment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), in particular those goals that relate to poverty, hunger, child and maternal mortality, and sustainable development in rural and urban systems. CIP has its headquarters in Lima , Peru with staff and activities in locations across Africa, Asia and Latin America . CIP is a member of the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research, a network of 15 research centers mostly located in the developing world and supported by more than 60 donor members.

The CONSORTIUM : CONDESAN is a diverse and dynamic set of partners in the public and private sectors that has been operating since 1993, with a common approach and a synergy of efforts, capability and resources. CONDESAN carries out and facilitates research, training, development and policy initiatives that help sustainable socioeconomic progress for the purpose of contributing to the equity and well-being of the population of the Andean ecoregion (Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and the Andean areas of the northeast of Argentina and the north of Chile).

Fundamental to the contribution of CONDESAN is the diverse work of its 75 partners throughout the Andes (research centers, universities, associations of producers, companies, national and local governments and NGOs). This work includes action at the level of production systems, value chains, basins and ecosystems within the Andes. From an institutional standpoint, the activities of the partners range from the rural and indigenous communities and the producer organizations up to the international levels, going through the municipal, provincial and national levels. The partners work on a variety of subjects, for example the conservation and assessment of biodiversity; the generation of production and post-harvest technologies; the access of local farmers to export markets; the strengthening of local governments; water resource management; and the facilitation of processes of multi-actor consensus-building and social learning, etc. The partners investigate, advise, educate, and train, and try to affect the design and management of public policy.

CONDESAN is directed by an international and independent Board of Directors, which works with the support and advice of the partners of the Consortium through a Technical Committee. The Consultative Group for the International Agricultural Research (CGIAR,, recognizes the Consortium as one of its world Ecoregional Programs. CONDESAN is hosted and administered by the International Potato Center (CIP, ), in Lima , Peru , and is also the legal employer of the Coordinator of CONDESAN.

In February 2006, the Board of Directors of CONDESAN approved a ‘Charter of Navigation"* developed with the active involvement of the partners. In accordance with this plan, the Consortium in the coming years will concentrate on activities of synthesis, integration and adding value on an ecoregional scale, based on the results, knowledge, networks and capacities of the partners, in two specific subjects: (a) integrated management of water resources at the level of basins, ecosystems and political boundaries; (b) innovations in the Andean agrarian systems that value the wealth contained in the diversity of the Andes.

The POSITION : CONDESAN is seeking for a Coordinator with the experience and capacities needed to lead the Consortium. The new Coordinator will direct the successful implementation of the Charter of Navigation of CONDESAN and achieve the following objectives: (a) stimulate and support dialogue, communication, cooperation and collaboration among the partners; (b) facilitate the work of the various components of the Consortium (CONDESAN Initiatives, the Technical Committee and the Board of Directors) and the adequate communication amongst them; (c) work to achieve the objectives of the various projects of CONDESAN in accordance with rigorous quality standards; (d) ensure the financing of CONDESAN and of the projects requested for the implementation of the Charter of Navigation; (e) coordinate the regular management of CONDESAN in accordance with the standards and procedures of CIP and the orientation of the Board of Directors; (f) strengthen the collaborative relationships between CONDESAN and other programs and projects of the CGIAR, starting with those of CIP and CIAT.

The applicant should demonstrate :

  • An adequate knowledge of the Andean ecoregion and significant work experience in one or more of its countries.

  • Experience and the ability to stimulate and facilitate: collaborative networking with the various participants; the dialogue among research, public policies, and capacity development; and the synthesis and integration of results of projects and initiatives; articulation and implementation of a strategic and programmatic vision of the Andean ecoregion.

  • Access to, and capability to dialogue with decision makers in the public and private sectors in the Andes .

  • The ability to design, negotiate and obtain financing, implement, monitor, and evaluate, and administer research and/or development projects of medium and large size and complexity.

Furthermore, it is preferable that the applicant has a PhD. or equivalent, in a discipline related to sustainable development. The applicant must be capable of communicating effectively, orally and in writing, in English and in Spanish.

CONDITIONS : The contract will be for an initial period of two years, with the possibility of renewal over an additional period of up to three years, subject to an evaluation of performance and results. The headq uarters of the position is CIP, in Lima , Peru . It is expected that the new Coordinator will begin work starting 1 January 2007 at the latest . The salary is internationally competitive and paid in US dollars. CIP provides excellent benefits, including health, life and disability insurance, and r etirement benefits paid by the employer. It also provides for relocation, housing, education, and home leave to the country of origin for the employee and dependents. CIP is proud of its agreeable and stimulating work environment that favors the personal and professional growth.

APPLICATIONS : The applicant should apply by email, with: (a) a statement summarizing their competence and abilities to undertake this position and the reasons for their interest; (b) a complete and up-to-date curriculum vitae; (c) names and contact information of three people who can provide an opinion of the qualifications and work experience of the applicant.

The application with the three documents shall be sent to:
LILIA SALINAS at , with the subject line
“Application for the Coordinator position of CONDESAN” .

The review of applications will commence on 18 September 2006 and continue until the position is filled. Receipt of applications will be acknowledged but only short-listed candidates will be subsequently contacted.

CONDESAN is committed to equal opportunity and CIP as an employer ensures respect for such standards. * See

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Mountain Ranges: 

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