Calendario de Cursos 2007 de Wageningen International

Vendredi, 30 Mars, 2007 - 00:00

Wageningen UR nos ha hecho llegar información sobre los Cursos 2007 programados a partir de mayo. Estos incluyen: Enfoque contemporáneo y participativo en uso y conservación de plantas genéticas, Prácticas avanzadas de gestión y enfoque de mercado a través de uso sostenible de los recursos genéticos de plantas, Manejo integrados de plagas y seguridad alimentaria, Tecnología de semilla de papa, Agricultura en transición, y Conservación y uso sostenible de recursos genéticos de plantas en la agricultura.

Estos cursos de capacitación combinan información actualizada en áreas específicas o sectores con la oportunidad de intercambiar conocimiento y experiencias con profesionales de todo el mundo. la mayoría de los cursos son dictados en Wageningen - Holanda, sólo pocos son fuera.

Wageningen International
Course Calendar 2007

The Wageningen UR offers contuining education in the form post-graduate courses, trining sessions and refresher courses for people working in the agrifood sector. The course vary from general interest level to highly specialised, offering the chance to learn about current developments within the fields of activity of Wageningen UR. Short courses are organised by: Wageningen Intermational, Van Hall Larenstein, Alterra-ILRI, SENSE Research School, VLAG - Graduate School and the Wageningen Businedd School (WBS).


Contemporary and participatory approaches in plant genetic conservation and use

May 25 - June 15

Advanced management practices and market-oriented approaches towards sustainable use of plant genetic resources

June 4 - 29

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and food safety

May 21 - June 15

In recente decades, cosumers have become incresingly concerned about the safety and quality of their food. These concerns, combined with increased environmental awareness, have led to a need for sustainable agricultural production systems. Good Agricultural Practices (GAO) and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) have become essential components of sustainable agriculture. IPM integrates various control measures, where pesticides are used only as a last resort, without having negative side effects on the environment and occupational and public health.

Aims: The training programme aims to enhance the participantes" knowledge and ability to identify and solve problems in IPM and aspects related to sustainable agriculture and food safety.

Seed Potato technology, certification and supply systems

June 4 - 22

Potatoe are grown for many uses such as food, cash crops, food security crops and raw materials for processing. In all cases, a reliable supply of good quality seed is crucial to the development of the potato sector. In many countries seed potatoes are supplied through a complex combination of traditional seed systems and official seed programmes. Advances in seed potato technology and novel methods of multiplication generate numerous options for improving local seed supply system, both in terms of quality and quantity. Control of seed quality, development of realistic standars and seed certification are essential of a viable seed industry.

Aims: The overall objetive is to improve the participants" knowledge of the technical, organisational, institutional and socio-ecenomic aspects of seed potato sypply systems. After completing the course, participants will have increased their expertise concerning all major aspects of seed potato production.

Agriculture in transition; analysis, design and management of sustainable farming

June 8 - 29

Sustainable farming is both a catchword and a genuine concern in discussions on the future of agriculture and society. Such discussions concern issues like the profitability of farming, reduced emission of nutrients, chemicals and/or CO2, loss of biodiversity, balanced development between urban and rural areas, establishment of new marketing channels, poverty alleviation and regeneration of soils and/or social structures. Many differents stakeholders in business and private/public sector institutions have to cope with this chage of focus in development, wich is often referred to as "3P": people, planet and profit. For stakeholders who are interested in this chage of focus, this course offers background, theoretical aspects and practical approached for research, production, policy and retailing/processing.

Aims: The course aims for the participants to actively exchange and generate information on technical issues and aspects of societal/institutional change with respect to more sustainable farming. After completing the course, the participants will able to relate their own practices and problems to similar experiences from elsewhere. They will gain improved access to modern approaches, literature and practical methods and updated networks.

Conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources in agriculture

May 21 - June 29

Biodiversity in agricultural systems is under pressure worldwide. The loss of plants genetic resources and its declining use in modern agroculture has generated much concern about the future vulnerability of agricultural production and related pest and disease risks, food security and environmental stability. Various international conventions have addressed this topic; this has moved the conservation and sustainable use of plants genetic resources to the top of the international development agenda.

Aims: The overall objetive of the training programme is to enhance participants"capabilities to deal with contemporary issues in genetic resource management. Relevant policies, participatory and market-oriented approaches receive special attention. The programme aims for participants and facilitators to exchange experiences and to expore practical applications for the conservation and sustainable use of plants genetic resources in agriculture.

Work regions: 
Mountain Ranges: 

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