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    Bolivian expedition finds seven new species (photos)


    First it was a frog. Then, catfish. Now, researchers on a major expedition in Bolivia’s Madidi National Park have announced more new species that were, until now, unknown to science. In total, the expedition has uncovered three new frogs, three catfish, and a lizard species. The expedition is...

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    Activists Say Chilean Glacier Protection Law Falls Short


    A recent incident shows the importance of a social movement in shaping a glacier protection law in Chile. Representatives from indigenous and environmental groups testified in April that the draft law— which designates glaciers as protected areas and limits activities that can damage them— has...

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    Climate change in the Andes needs regional action


    A new report launched today by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), GRID-Arendal and the Consortium for Sustainable Development of the Andean Ecoregion (CONDESAN) recommends that adapting to climate change in the tropical Andes requires a regional strategy that must include the...

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    Goldman Environmental Prize awards environmental justice heroes


    The Goldman Environmental Prize helps grassroots environmental heroes to continue and expand their environmental justice struggles.  So when the latest winners were honoured at a ceremony in San Francisco, we paid attention to the issues they care about. Máxima Acuña stood up for her right to...

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