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    Peak fragility: Conserving mountain soils an urgent matter


    Mountain soils are the fragile foundations of ecosystems that ultimately provide water for more than half the world's population. A new FAO book offers technical insights on the sustainable management of mountain soils, which are home to a vast array of human activities ranging from quinoa...

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    Concurso Internacional de Emprendimiento Sociales Latinoamericanos


    ADETICS ong tecnológica y CAPETI gremio empresarial han recibido el encargo de convocar a los emprendedores peruanos que se encuentren  realizando emprendimientos de carácter social con la finalidad de participar en esta competencia internacional. Este concurso es promovido por I3 LATAM, ...

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    Lima taps ancient Andean canals to help fight its water shortage


    The solution — or at least part of the solution — to Miriam Cacho’s water woes might lie in some ancient and mostly-forgotten stone canals that line the mountains far above her home. Listen to the Story. Cacho lives in a dusty but growing neighborhood perched on the steep hillsides of...

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