Online Climate Model now released: MAGICC6

Friday, 28 June, 2013 - 09:32

This is to announce a new online resource: The MAGICC6 climate model. You will be able to select or upload your own emission scenario, calculate greenhouse gas concentrations, radiative forcing and global-mean/hemispheric temperatures online.

Aside from being a great educational resource for schools, university classes and projects, MAGICC is used in high-profile research and policy reports for more than twenty years:

a) The WRE pathways in the 1990s. (
b) Multiple IPCC reports, including related high-profile publications (
c) The new GHG concentrations of the RCP (Representative Concentration Pathways) (
d) The UNEP GAP report, which analyzes the 2C compatibility of a large number of emission scenarios (
e) Publications related to the burnable carbon, the cumulative carbon emissions that are required to stay below 2C (
f) and many more (see e.g. here:

MAGICC is developed by Prof. Tom Wigley, Dr. Sarah Raper and Dr. Malte Meinshausen.
The web-interface of MAGICC6 has been developed by Antonius Golly.

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