From Goodwill to Payments for Environmental Services


The present report, and the accompanying electronic and training materials are the product of this endeavor, and provide: A user-friendly entry point to 52 financing Options for SNRM, together with clear indications of where to go next, either for more indepth information and analysis, or to contact people from the financing sources themselves.
A brief discussion and description that highlights which financing options might be more accessible to poor rural communities, or offer more opportunities for projects and programs to simultaneously address rural livelihood improvements and natural resources conservation.

A summary of ongoing experiences and discussions regarding financing SNRM
through payments for environmental services (PES) and private business-community partnerships, which have recently attracted much attention but whose potentials and limitations are still a matter of debate.

A collection of recent SNRM financing cases and experiences, particularly, but not limited to cases in Danida’s focus countries and countries where WWF is working.
Web addresses to access many of the institutions and references mentioned in the survey, and a forthcoming powerpoint presentation (in the training material) that can be used as a selftutorial or as an aid for a half-day training

Work regions: 
Latin America | Global
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