What's new? Overview of results of the Ecoregional Methodology Fund


The Ecoregional Methodology Fund was established in 1996 by the Directorate General International Cooperation (DGIS) of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs with support from the Swiss Development Agency. Ten four-year research projects were executed successively in the period until 2002. Next, a consolidation phase of three projects was approved, ending in July 2005. A final workshop is to be held in Nairobi, September 21 and 22, 2005.
For further details on the project, reference is made to the project website: www.ecoregionalfund.com, which includes the publication: Method in our Madness: making sense of ecoregional research with modelling tools and processes. (ISNAR, 2004)

Overview of results obtained by the Ecoregional Fund. Final Conference: Ecoregional Research and Policy making, living happily ever after? Nairobi, September 2005
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